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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2024


  • I don’t know why you’re lecturing me about this and including ad hominems, I understand how the virus spreads and take it very seriously, including masking where appropriate and getting the vaccine 4 months before it was available to the general public. I’m merely explaining how the CDC bungled the messaging at the beginning of the pandemic, it absolutely contributed to the amount of confusion. The public is simply not mentally equipped to handle that level of nuance, the CDC should have just said “masks work, wear one” and left it at that. The level of detail you explained is correct, and it’s way too much detail for the average brainrotted Facebooker to understand.

  • Early on in the COVID pandemic, the CDC told the public that masks weren’t important for stopping the spread, when they knew this to be false. This was to prevent a run on N95s which needed to be prioritized for healthcare workers, which could have been bad (see: toilet paper situation). Iirc they changed this messaging to a more nuanced version, basically “don’t buy n95s leave those for healthcare workers, but make a cloth mask for yourself” after a couple weeks but the human brain retains the first thing it hears and a bunch of morons saw the updated messaging as contradictory to the previous message and threw up their hands about masks entirely.

  • Ok show me the plant I can use to test how drugs interact with living cells to determine their mechanisms of action in the human body, I’ll wait. You’d better not be taking any pills or going to the doctor ever after putting this shit take on the internet, because every drug product in use today has been tested on animals, with good reason. We need to know how this shit works, and I don’t see your ass lining up to be a test subject so we’re using a dog or rat or monkey.

  • That’s because Americans keep being told “but we’re not in a recession” in response to complaints about low wages and high prices. No one gives a fuck what the stock market is doing if we can’t afford to own any. We don’t care that “job numbers are up” when none of them pay enough to keep up with doubled grocery costs in the last 3 years. And don’t even start on “CPI figures” that are waved in our faces as if that shit even comes close to measuring the real inflation that real people are paying for on a daily basis. It’s so understated it might as well exist in a parallel universe.

    The reason this ends up blowing back on Democrats is they very much want the narrative to be “see guys everything is fine elect Biden again” but everything is very much not fine for the average Joe and so that narrative is irritating. Of course, Biden got handed a shit sandwich by the previous moron whose choices like absurdly low interest rates and PPP giveaways kick-started the inflation that has characterized Biden’s term, but that is lost on many voters. Dems need to directly address voter frustration and stop bandying useless figures like stocks and job market and CPI about. When I see prices go back down at the grocery store because the administration shit down the throats of companies for making excess profits, then I’ll credit Biden with saving us economically. Til then, it’s just noise.

  • It’s worse than “allowed” to use, in the US it’s more like “required to use”. Newer engines that work on unleaded gas exist, and even some older engines are perfectly capable on unleaded gas. However, the FAA has to test and approve each part that goes on an airplane, and it’s a ton of work to do that for every type of airplane engine. Unless the government subsidized such testing and paid for unleaded fuel tanks to be installed all over the country, it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

  • From your article:

    “The detection of viral RNA does not itself pose a health risk to consumers, and we expect to find this residual genetic material if the virus was there in the raw milk and was inactivated by pasteurization,” she says.

    My case rests, broken pieces of a virus != infectious virus.