• 17 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • The Catholic Church has actively ran the longest largest worldwide Pedophile ring in human history. For the past 1800 years the Catholic Church recruited, supported, obfuscated, defended, and excused pedophilia, which continues to this day. The fact the Catholic Church still allowed to operate, in any way shape or form, with youth of any kind, in any country, anywhere, means we've all purposefully lost the thread. Beside the Catholic Church being criminal, it's only shown how very little adults care about the systematic raping of children. Like, at all. We simply do not care.

  • lol, nope, Republicans fuck off, we're intolerant to intolerance in this household

    Poor poor racist Republican, joined the Republican party to hold down women, and minorities, didn't wanna get into the whole "the leopards that eat faces party, that i glad fully joined and represented. might eat my face, should they find out i like wearing women's clothing, here, let me just defund another domestic violence shelter, nope, i'll be just fine"

    All Republicans are hypocritical bigots, by definition. It's the core of their political party, it's who they signed up to be identified with, it's who they are, or in the case of this poor bigoted fuck, were. I don't want to see any "but this was a nice republican" bullshit. After the Southern Strategy in 1964, all Republicans are trash, every single one.

    Institutionalized racism, misogyny, homophobia, and white Christian separatism as party platform. No matter how "conservative" Republicans claimed to be, The Southern Strategy was the core value and singular driving force for the past 60 years.

    MAGA isn't a symptom, it's result.

  • what's this "our" shit christman? there's no "our christian politics", as we're Americans, with a Constitutional mandate and separation clause inferring as Thomas Jefferson put it "a wall of separation between church and state"

    fuck christ. fuck christians. since the romans strung that dude up he's been nothing but death and pain to my people. fuck em there, fuck em here. fuck christianity everywhere.

    this is the united states of goddamned america, and i'll be good and goddamned if i ceede an "our" to christianity