Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s probably not selfishness, experts say. Even young adults who want children see an increasing number of obstacles.

    Well, of course it’s not selfishness. Having children is a purely selfish act, because who else are you reproducing for? You can’t do something for someone that doesn’t exist, and bringing existence to someone who hasn’t asked for it, knowing what the world looks like, doesn’t strike me as a kindness. So who else is benefiting? The capitalist machine?

  • Given how prominent an ally the U.S. is, the rise of the alt-right and increasingly fascistic tendencies lends a legitimacy to that viewpoint I’d rather not see. I naturally don’t put sole blame on the U.S. for the western sphere leaning more and more fascist, but it’s certainly set a precedent making it easier for others to follow.

  • It’s not about hormones, the problem is the way education is structured today. It doesn’t engage students properly. Sure there’s a bunch of extrinsic motivation, grades, punishment for not performing, etc. but there’s no fostering of intrinsic motivation.

    Without motivation you won’t see results.

    For intrinsic motivation to work, the system needs to meet the students where they’re at. That won’t work with all the standardisation that we’re attempting.

    Sure, a lot of students will manage, some will even thrive, but those that don’t will be left by the wayside.