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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • No yaml, no helm, no operators? Using Pulumi as a layer of abstraction but not using ingress because its a layer of abstraction?

    I don’t know the equivalent in GCP, but in AWS this would be treating EKS like ECS. Missing out on 90% of the benefits of kubernetes by ignoring that 90%.

    But also, small company. Kubernetes is a better base to start from and expand from there.

  • From one person’s experience (mine): They don’t read CVs that closely. I’ve got a couple of 1 year jobs (not contracts) and they’re more interested in what I did rather than why so short. If they ask I tell them it’s because I didn’t like the position but gave it a go for a year. I also have a 2 year gap in employment none of them are interested in for 4 jobs now, they don’t even spot the missing years and I’ve had to point it out in interviews because it’s a story of how I deal with big tasks.

    If they are that petty that they’ll pass me over because of something like that then that employers policies would raise more flags than I’d want to deal with anyway.

    When hiring you have hundreds of CVs pass by, I’m looking for experience, we’ll sort out these other details in the interview.

    Caveat: I am older now, more senior but never had issues finding work.

  • Im pretty senior now, you’d pass me by and the most valuable thing I’d do is to reduce that learning time.

    I don’t know what you do, but in my IT jobs I’ve seen  long onboarding times are due companies not focusing on their product, eg: a finance company writing their own authentication system, or maintaining someone’s vanity project who has long since departed. Get rid of that and you can bring people in off the street.