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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023

  • There are plenty of women who live like this now. It’s a cultural thing, not a timeline thing. I had a roommate in college who would wake up before dawn to do her makeup so nobody would see her without it.

    (Also high society women certainly didn’t make their own breakfasts… well, ever, but especially not hundreds of years ago)

  • I don’t think that his plans for Mars are good for anyone but himself. Creating a small privately owned Mars colony is more likely to increase problems like climate change and inequality than reduce them. If it were Nasa or another government agency, we could argue that technological advances from the attempt would benefit everyone, like they did in the space race, but this won’t even do that. Best case, it makes him even richer. Worst case, it pumps a lot of carbon into the atmosphere and wastes a bunch of resources for no benefit.

  • Let’s say it’s normal to keep someone on pain meds for 4 to 8 days after surgery. Each day, you assess the patient and check a number of factors to determine when to stop pain meds, like: how much pain do they say they’re in? How much do they wince when they walk? How comfortable do they seem? Do they seem distracted when talking to you? Etc. Each of those assessments is subjective, and therefore can be influenced by biases you don’t even realize you have. Over a year, maybe that means you stop pain meds on the 5th day, on average, for Black patients, and on the 6th day for white patients. You’re not really withholding pain meds from any one patient. Each patient probably doesn’t really notice the difference. But over time, that slight difference compounds and adds up to poorer quality of care for one group.

    This is why it’s so important to measure things like this subjectively, and look for and fix the reasons they’re happening. It’s very hard, probably impossible, to fix these issues by just assuming that well-meaning people will be able to be completely unaffected by bias. And sometimes people overcorrect: managers in tech are less likely to give Black employees critical feedback, for example, because they don’t want to be racist, and that behavior harms Black employees by not giving them opportunities to correct behavior that’s holding them back from advancement. Again, tiny behaviors that compound at scale.

  • It’s also implicit bias, though. Health care providers have to make assessments of their patients constantly: does this person need more pain meds? Can we discharge them? Do they need surgery or just physical therapy? And implicit bias (for example the very well-known bias that Black women can ‘handle’ more physical pain than white women because they’re ‘tougher’) will be one factor in these thousands of constant little decisions. If you looked at any one decision you probably couldn’t find fault with it, but they add up over time and if you look at the data you’ll find statistical trends. Black women are more commonly recommended to have C-sections than white women, all other factors being equal. That’s not because individual doctors hate Black women, but it’s because unconscious biases affect their decision making, and because race is considered as a risk factor for certain treatment decisions.

  • It’s a tough role to cast, since the books never describe what Murderbot looks like at all, beyond “has a face” and “has short hair but no body hair” and “some organic parts on arms but not on legs”. And Murderbot can pass as human if someone doesn’t know what SecUnits look like. No indication of height, build, complexion, features, nothing. So anyone they cast is going to look wrong to a bunch of readers because their mental pictures can vary so widely.

    Mine is somewhere between Gwendolyn Christie and Robocop. But I like Alexander Skarsgard and I’ll definitely watch this. He has a good “I am 100% done with everyone’s nonsense” expression, which is vital.