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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I moved over to it after the initial Reddit exodus and haven’t really looked elsewhere. It’s not quite a full replacement in terms of content and engagement obviously. It’s good for broader stuff like memes, politics/games/movies/etc in general, but not so much for the specific. There are quite a few games I used to spend a lot of time discussing on their subreddits, but they’re basically ghost towns here for a lot of them.

    There are also some more specific community leanings. You’re gonna see a LOT of Star Trek and Linux related stuff.

    But overall, I’m happy enough with it knowing it’s a non-privatized space to talk.

  • This is why there’s that trope where the bad guy gets killed in the process of, or just after, getting redeemed. So the story can have its cake and not have to deal with any of the icky justice afterwards. How jarring would it be to have the bad guy turn around, save the day, and then the heroes still kill them or drag them off to a trial for their crimes? So justice has to be meted out by fate rather than having to complicate our heroes.

    • Slay the Spire: I don’t just think it’s the best deck building roguelike, I think it’s the quintessential deck building roguelike. It’s such a complete exploration of the design space of the genre in terms of the options it gives the player to build their deck and the challenges it puts those decks up against. Not that there aren’t any other fun games in this genre, but they all still feel like STS, but worse and with a gimmick that doesn’t add much.

    -Will edit with more in a bit.

  • Nobody is saying it isn’t. But if you genuinely care about the harm it causes and don’t just want an excuse to throw political enemies in jail, then the solution is obviously not to criminalize its use. The correct thing to do is to provide social and health services to addicted people to get them off of it.

    All criminalization does is ruin the lives of the people it targets and enrich the prison industry.

  • In my experience they appear to be until you bring up some issues, then they turn into bloodthirsty monsters.

    For example, my my goes completely Ooga booga genocidal when Isreal is brought up.

    Or on housing: She won’t even entertain any solutions that don’t let landlords keep exploiting people’s basic need for homes. She gets all “why should they have to give up property? They worked for it! Shouldn’t they be able to make money?” She can’t possibly empathize enough to value the basic needs of most people over the right for people who already own more than they need to profit off of others who have less than they need.

    Honestly, I think most of them just don’t like the aesthetic of the Republican Party more than they’re actually opposed to conservative politics.

  • I think the show has some decent themes that connect together alright. There’s a bit of a free will vs determinism thing going on. A bit of what is a human/transporter problem with the robot, the emperor clones, and Harry’s mind copies.

    But there’s also a lot of other noise that kinda makes the show too unfocused to properly explore those ideas. There’s some war on terror/fall of Rome imagery. There’s the weird religious stuff around the Church of Seldon. The mentalists wanting to put their leader into Gale’s body, etc.

  • Watched Firefly and loved it. Too bad it got canceled before it’s time.

    This was probably something I should have said in the OP, but TOS is definitely my least favorite of the franchise. (outside of some of the new stuff.) We watched the first few episodes, bounced off the camp, went on to watch TNG and beyond, then eventually looped back around to it. This time we did finish it. It has it’s moments and I can appreciate what made it special for its time, but it just feels inferior to everything that came after it. To me, TNG is the thing of when I think of Star Trek more-so than the original.

  • As far as New Trek for me,

    I really like Lower Decks.

    I watched S1 of Picard and really didn’t like it. Heard S2 was also terrible but then S3 people like a bit more? Is it worth just skipping to S3 to watch that or nah?

    I haven’t watched any of Discovery since I heard it wasn’t great. Same question: If it gets better later, is it something I can skip to or would I need to watch the earlier seasons since it’s got a longer running story?

    I watched SNW and… it’s… alright I guess. I can see why people say it’s getting closer to watch older star trek was, but it didn’t really do it for me. Idk if I can really put my finger on it. The characters kind of just feel wrong.

    Also, semi-related to SNW, but I’ve seen this elsewhere (like in the JJ Abrams movies or other pop culture references to Trek): While I don’t like TOS as much as the post TNG stuff, one thing I did pull out of it was that Kirk was… a more nuanced character than his later depictions in other media. All of the non-TOS depictions I’ve seen of Kirk make him out to be some reckless, arrogant fly-boy. But he’s just not. Sure, he flirts with aliens or gets campy a lot more than others, and he’s no Picard as far as diplomacy is concerned, but for the most part he’s played as an experienced captain that has his sense of duty and responsibility to his crew and mission. I get that in the JJ movies and SNW he’s younger, but it still just feels like a flanderized version of what people remember him as.