I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.

Your local herpetology guy.

Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024


  • bindntr=CTRL,C,exec,hyprctl dispatch closewindow alacrittyclipboard & hyprctl activewindow | rg -q "class: Wfica" && alacritty -qq --config-file ~/.config/alacritty/alacrittyclipboard.toml --class 'alacrittyclipboard' --title 'Office365 Desktop - Nexus (SSL/TLS Secured, 256 bit)' -e sh -c 'sleep .03 && xclip -o | wl-copy ; wl-paste | xclip -i'
    windowrulev2 = float,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
    windowrulev2 = stayfocused,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
    windowrulev2 = noborder,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
    windowrulev2 = noanim,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
    windowrulev2 = noblur,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
    windowrulev2 = opacity 0,class:(alacrittyclipboard)
    windowrulev2 = maxsize 1 1,class:(alacrittyclipboard)

    Fixes the fucking clipboard in citrix, no, I cannot figure out a better solution.

    the move to aquamarine with hyprland mostly resolved this… but not completely and i’m going to have to write a new duct tape solution for that.

    If you’re wondering why I launch alacritty… it doesn’t work without alacritty, wayland needs the window to be in focus, if alacritty isn’t there there’s no in focus window and it doesn’t update the clipboard.