I wonder how many issues rewriting everything in another language will create?
I wonder how many issues rewriting everything in another language will create?
In Thunderbird you can move the emails to a local folder and they will be fully downloaded.
Just use yt-dlp. It’s not hard to use. You just type yt-dlp, paste the video link, and press enter to download the highest quality version.
The stock software will not run in Wine. I would suggest picking hardware that’s supported by Piper.
That’s a kernel worker for ACPI. It sounds like you may have a driver for something that is misbehaving.
I wonder what CPU it has. You should tear it down and see if you can get some custom code running.
That battery is way too small. I prefer to have a 100WH battery. It definitely needs a couple more USB ports and an SD card reader.
That’s pretty impressive, but if they can’t figure out how to mass produce them cost effectively, then it’s pointless. Most of these battery breakthroughs never make it out of the lab.
I would stick with MBR for flash drives unless you need lots of partitions. GPT is great on PCs, but usually isn’t supported on other devices.
Yes, you do have to log out for group changes to take effect.
For 3D modeling, you can get a 3D mouse such as the SpaceMouse.
Does your windows machine have WSL? I would just write a bash script that would DD the image to the drives. Keep in mind that you will be severely bandwidth limited by the USB interface, so it will take a long time. All of the ports on the controller share the same bandwidth. Ideally you would build a PC with lots of USB controller cards for that.
I will still use it for testing things, but I will no longer use it for installing the OS on a PC I’m going to use until they get the BLOB issue sorted out.
That would be my suggestion. They only take a single slot and some are even passively cooled.
Does anyone still use it? I just use markdown if I want basic formatting, otherwise I use Libreoffice.
Even 7zip can compress a large text file to less than 25% of it’s original size. The installer is less than 2MB. There are even better compression algorithms for text than 7zip though.
Biometrics plus a password is even more secure.
Inkscape is good for making icons, assuming you want vector icons.
I would use exFAT for a shared data drive. Just don’t use it for programs since it lacks unix file permission support.
Someone got Linux to run on an Intel 4004. It does take over a week to boot though. As long as you can connect a sufficient amount of memory to a CPU, it can boot Linux. If the CPU doesn’t support Linux, it can emulate a CPU that does.