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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • A lot of human traffickers are Mexican, especially in the South West. Should probably ban Mexicans as well, just to be safe I guess.

    Oh, and most mass shooters are white men, should probably ban them.

    Gangbangers are another problem you mentioned, let’s just go ahead and ban every male 18-28.

    Prostitutes also a problem? Let’s ban all females 18-32.

    You’re working backwards from a terrible policy, banning people for having shitty political views, and then justifying it by saying, “Well, they probably committed sex crimes because they’re creepy”.

    Ban them for bad actions, not bad thoughts.

  • I wasn’t aware that sex trafficking and gangbanging were just considered acts of political extremism.

    Because that’s what I’m concerned about - banning people for the thought crimes of having shitty politics, which is something this team clearly engaged in.

    I can’t speak to any other role they played in preventing actual criminal activity, like you described, but those would be perfect examples of the types of people that should be banned.

    But if your argument is that actual crime and “pre-crime” or “thought crimes” are the same, well, that’s pretty Orwellian and something I strongly disagree with.

  • Get fucked. He has spent his whole professional career being an airline industry suit, which is why he was placed at the FAA by Biden: he’s another industry plant in an completey captured regulator, by an industry captured government.

    All he’s doing is stating the obvious because the cats out of the bag. Don’t hold your breath for this lifelong airline industry executive to be some savior or rebuilder of an independent FAA.

    Whitaker began his aviation career as a litigator, then as assistant general counsel of international and regulatory affairs at Trans World Airlines (TWA). He spent 15 years at United Airlines in a variety of roles as director, vice president and senior vice president. His portfolio at the airline included commercial alliances and joint ventures, international and regulatory affairs, and strategic counsel to the chairman and chief executive officer on international matters.Whitaker served as Group CEO of InterGlobe Enterprises.There, he oversaw strategy and operations for four affiliate travel companies.


  • This was an easy election year punt.

    The rulings in this case were made by an out of pocket judge and an appellate court district that’s gone off the fucking rails, legally speaking.

    If it wasn’t an election year, SCOTUS might have disregarded all that and plowed ahead anyways.

    However, both Alito and Thomas are likely wanting to retire, and probably will if Trump gets back in office.

    Those desires, combined with how the last abortion ruling hurt the GOP electorally, made this an easy decision for them.

  • Fallon Fox. Look her up.

    Yes, she eventually got beat by another professional female fighter, but not before she seriously injured multiple opponents, including skull fractures. Those types of injuries are not common in men’s MMA, although they do occur, but they’re extremely uncommon in female MMA.

    Testosterone blockers don’t reverse the effects the hormone had on a bodies development prior to medically transitioning. So differences such as bone density are locked in, even if their blood test shows a hormonal balance that aligns with their preferred gender at the time of competition.

  • I got as far as the second paragraph, which consists of the following quote from a Google VP:

    “I’m not going to talk about Recall, but I think the reason that some people feel it’s creepy is when it doesn’t feel useful, and it doesn’t feel like something they initiated or that they get a clear benefit from it”

    That’s somehow worse than I imagined. I can at least understand being intentionally sinister, or overtly anti-privacy, but that level of delusion is somehow actually more terrifying.

  • lol.

    Just search for Purism customer support experiences.

    I’m honestly amazed there hasn’t been a fraud, or some other consumer protection type criminal investigation.

    All that baggage, and their hardware is also laughably outdated and overpriced.

    Which is unfortunate, because the concept is amazing and clearly there’s a sizable market for it.

    Here is an example of just ONE flavor of Purism customer experiences:

    Announce current gen hardware and current pricing.

    Customer pays

    Customer receives hardware 5 years later, after being told approx. 362 times that cancellation refunds are down, or unable to be processed.

    Customer tries to immediately return the 5 year old laptop that was just delivered and is told “No Returns”

    There are other variations that you can read about on various forums.

  • …SCOTUS has been expanding corporate power since long before the current majority. This is a nearly 40 year long project and it transcends any nominal association of a justice as being liberal or conservative.

    There’s no doubt that it has been accelerated as of late, but don’t kid yourself about who they serve

    Also, that CFPB case would have wrecked the status quo of power and how government funding works. Not a subtle shift, or a quick jolt, but a fucking wrecking ball by making it so that programs that makeup nearly 2/3rds of the federal budget would have to be continually reauthorized e.g. Medicare, Social Security, etc.