main account for because it’s down so often

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • We need to stop treating the people who have fallen for these things as idiots. They and their families have been failed by the education system and the support systems of their state. They’ve been told for generations who to blame and usually no one has ever taken the effort to explain that the people have been lying to them. America is one of the most propagandized countries in the world. The more we treat these people like idiots the more they will push back on ideas we hold and fall back into their old biases.

    We must try to educate and communicate as best we can when people are willing to talk. Memes like this don’t help.

  • I once submitted an issue to a devs GitHub. The apps login page would not load without large bg pictures loading first. I asked if he could add an option to disable it in the settings, as my self hosted site was slow.

    I essentially got back, “why would I do that? It’s not an issue for me! Besides the login page should load before the background picture” issue closed


    It’s like you’re SO CLOSE to seeing the issue.

  • I find in today’s society it’s easy to lose any reason for doing anything other than “I was told I have to” about halfway through college it really did feel like a scam, like I was getting screwed over and forced to do it anyway. I still believe it’s partially true, but I used the skills I learned in college to help push my personal life goals along.

    Ask yourself, will you be happy doing what you’re going to school for? Is the goal you’re going towards what you actually want to do? Will it help you do what you actually want to do? If you find good reasons for those, the next time you ask yourself “why am I doing any of this?” You’ll have an answer. If not, well, maybe it’s time to change your concentration, or seek out paths other than college.

    Just remember that you also do need to think about affording to live (unfortunately) in all of this.