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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The script doesn’t go away when you replace a helpdesk operator with ChatGPT. You just get a script-reading interface without empathy and a severally hindered ability to process novel issues outside it’s protocol.

    The humans you speak to could do exactly what you’re asking for, if the business did not handcuff them to a script.

    But they do handcuff them to a script… at least 1st and 2nd level tech support. That’s the point. It’s so fucking awful. It’s a barrier to keep you from the more highly paid tech support people who may actually be able to answer your questions. First you have to wait on hold to make sure you think it’s worth wasting their time on your annoying problem, THEN it’s a maze you have to navigate, and then whoops you just got hung up on… so sorry, start all over! LLMs are (can be) so much better at this!

  • That’s 99% of what I’m looking for. If I’m figuring something out by myself, I’m not looking it up on the internet.

    I’m an engineer and I’ve found LLMs great for helping me understand an issue. When you read something online, you have to translate from what the author is saying into your thinking and I’ve found LLMs are much better at re-framing information to match my inner dialog. I often find them much more useful than google searches in trying to find information.

  • I already use LLMs to problem solve issues that I’m having and they’re typically better than me punching questions into Google. I admit that I’ve once had an llm hallucinate while it was trying to solve a problem for me, but the vast majority of the time it has been quite helpful. That’s been my experience at least. YMMV.

    If you think LLMs suck, I’m guessing you haven’t actually used telephone tech support in the past 10 years. That’s a version of hell I wish on very few people.

  • I am totally looking forward to AI customer support. The current model of a person reading a scripted response is painful and fucking awful and only rarely leads to a good resolution. I would LOVE an AI support where I could just describe the problem and it gives me answers and it only asks relevant follow up questions. I can’t wait.

  • Hilary lost because she sucked major ass. I didn’t vote in 2016 because fuck political dynasties, and the DNC did everything it could to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination, which unfortunately worked. Being less young and stupid, I probably would have voted for her if I were in 2016 again. I would have hated it though, just as I would have hated voting for Biden but would have done so. I’m not particularly excited about Kamala but she’s definitely a lot more palatable with SO much more appeal than Hillary or Biden had.

    The stupid thing was that they didn’t need to do their dirty tricks. The things like what DWS in Arizona were well after Bernie was mathematically out of the running. I’m a Bernie fan and I voted for him in the primaries in California, but he lost on Super Tuesday (well before CA and AZ voted). He failed to capture the votes and was not really in contention.

    I think Hilary lost for three reasons. 1. Republicans had their smear machine running on her for over a decade. Propaganda works. 2. Her public speaking persona was bad. I heard her speak in a more normal conversation and she sounded smart, articulate, and hitting all the right points. I was impressed. But her speech giving persona was bad and came across as snobbish. 3. Sexism. It’s not THE reason she lost, but I think there was and is a vein of that running through America. “What if it’s her time of the month and she has her finger on the big red button?” “Blood coming out of her whatever”, etc.

    I think time has proven out that she would have been a 10x better president than Trump. Just like Gore would have been 10x better than Bush. So much less death, so much better policy. If they’d been elected, the world would be a different place today. (Stupid undemocratic electoral college system)

  • I actually think a core part of being republican has to do with hating someone and feeling superior to them. It can revolve around sex, education, accent, culture, religion, sexual orientation, government structure, or skin color, but they have to hate on someone. You can plot the generations of conservatives by who they (primarily) hate at any given time.

    They have to wrap themselves in their hate-blanket and fantasize about how they’ll have their AR-15 locked and loaded when the baddies come around. First they need to be scared, so they make up stories and lies about how “the other” corrupted their children, stole their jobs, took the government assistance, or performed DDOS on their interview, and then talk with friends or family on how evil the other is. Then they get great pleasure in having a big hate-orgy and trying hard to “trigger a liberal” spewing their made up hysterical bullshit.

    A short list who’s-who hate list for conservatives: communists, socialists, civil rights activists, labor unions, abortion rights people and doctors, environmentalists, academics, immigrants, “the gays” (all LGBTQ+ individuals), muslims, transgender people, “mainstream media”. They’ve got to hate someone.

  • blady_blah@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLinkedIn
    2 months ago

    Clearly it wasn’t. The original post showed one manager being an asshole. OPs follow-up is that all managers are assholes. The leap and logic there is a relatively stupid way to view the world. It’s the same logic that says my sister is bad at driving, therefore all women are bad at driving. If you or the op want to have an immature view of the world, that’s your prerogative, but I’m interested in understanding at least the first level argument to be made for why all managers are bad.

  • blady_blah@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLinkedIn
    2 months ago

    That seems so weird. Linked in is simply a way to connect with co-workers so you can contact them when you’re no longer at the same job. I don’t have them in my Facebook, I didn’t have them in my phone, but if I want to contact them for connections or anything, LinkedIn is the place for that. How much you interact with the posting garbage is entirely up to you. I do it extremely little and I have no problem with LinkedIn.