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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Oh for sure, I fully understand that there are tons of things/mechanics we take for granted every day that we don’t actually know how it/they work(s) at the most fundamental level. Static electricity just seemed like a pretty important one that I’d just assumed it was well and thoroughly researched/understood.

    Anyway, completely agree with you that this breakthrough is great news and that there are some exciting practical applications that may emerge as a result, particularly the more that model is understood/completed.

  • Oh, trust me, everyone that support universal healthcare is very much aware that the US ranks quite poorly when it comes to preventable mortality rates in hospitals. The insurance and medical lobbies have used the bullshit wait times disinformation/propaganda for decades and those against universal healthcare love to bring that up as some sort of reliable defense.

    The other thing they consistently use to defend the current system is it would raise taxes to overwhelmingly burdensome rates. They of course ignore the insane monthly premiums that families have to pay already, not to mention the amount of taxes we already pay for Medicaid/Medicare. We get to pay twice! What a benefit.

  • bassomitron@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSelective rage
    5 days ago

    That poor movie was a travesty on multiple levels. Why Shyamalan was chosen to write/direct that movie, I care not to look up. My off the cuff theory was that he had kids obsessed with the animated show and he wanted to destroy something they loved after they accidentally broke his one and only Golden Globe award.

  • bassomitron@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSelective rage
    5 days ago

    Name one outrage among conservatives in the US when a white person was cast for a role that was any other ethnicity in the source material. Sure, it happens on the Left, Netflix is especially accused of white washing (recent example: Three Body Problem). But, conservatives don’t give a shit when it happens the other way around.

    Regardless, I truly couldn’t give a shit who gets cast for what regardless of source material. If the actor/actress is able to play the part well, I come for entertainment and couldn’t care less.

  • Agreed. HZD always felt like a game that was built around a story premise first and foremost, which sort of makes sense as that studio had never done a game like that before.

    I remember an interview where they were struggling to shift gears from Killzone and looking for new ideas from among their staff when one of their devs pitched HZD’s premise. As a result, they approached making an open world action adventure game as complete noobs. This doesn’t excuse any of the poor design decisions. I was hoping they’d learn from their mistakes in FW, but they instead made the open world part somewhat better and then forgot to keep the focus on the main quest and characters in the process.

  • Oh for sure, they’ve made some progress and there are a lot of D reps and senators who want to do much more, I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. But, the modern American public at large act like the president is some grand arbiter of getting laws passed single-handedly. Many ignore that it’s Congress that’s the most dysfunctional component when it comes to actually getting things done for the last two-some-odd decades. Hell, we have tons of people that chalk up the entire state of the economy on a single person every election cycle, it’s craziness.

    Anyway, my point is that anyone that’s actually paying attention in good faith knows it’s almost entirely the GOP blocking healthcare reform. But, as we’ve especially learned these last 10+ years, many Americans don’t pay attention to reality.

  • That 8 years thing for healthcare could easily backfire. The majority of Americans are very fed up with our healthcare, and Democrats haven’t done much to fix it this administration either (not entirely their fault, we have a gridlocked Congress and Senate, after all). The concept of a plan quote is hilarious, though! My friends and I plan on using it at work from now on.

    Anyway, even most Republican media outlets have conceded that Harris won last night. As for the MAGA cult itself, I honestly haven’t bothered to go down that internet hole yet, nor am I likely to. I’m sure there’s countless bots/trolls spinning the story and creating a fake reality already, with plenty of zealots lapping it up because their collective delusion requires it.

  • Same. I logged about 20 hours on it before my desire to play just kind of slowly faded away. The game was too large and long to warrant such basic gameplay mechanics. You could be fully upgraded within 5-10 hours and then you’ve essentially seen all the gameplay there is. There’s maybe 6-12 random “quests” you’ll see while traveling (those dynamic events, e.g. a wagon being robbed), so even that part of it becomes repetitive pretty fast.

    I’ll get downvoted, but RDR2 is a really overrated game, in my opinion. The game was well made, no doubt about it. Its graphics and environmental design are still gorgeous even to this day, despite being 8 years old. The voice acting, writing, direction, cinematography, etc. are all very well executed. However, at the end of the day, I just found it kind of boring to play.