The interest rates are outrageous
They’re in line with other loans.
The interest rates are outrageous
They’re in line with other loans.
Ths US is currently producing more oil than any country ever. But of course Donald don’t know that because he’s a fucking moron. But he’ll take the credit for it when somebody finally tells him.
“Roe v Wade is settled law”
If by “toys” you mean like “linux” and “git” then no.
Edit to expand: They aren’t really his. They’re GPL’d so anyone can do anything* with them
“Its working”
I love how the internet tough guy is stymied the moment a Google search turns up nothing…
No it’s because we don’t know what his motive was.
It’s all very arbitrary and stupid.
“Attempt”? The military had deployed and only stepped down when the president said to (not when the legislature said to}. Sounds like martial law was pretty successfully declared. It’s fortunate that he did back down…
Yes it matters. “Winning” isn’t the only goal. The process and system are important. You don’t just discard democracy because you don’t like the result of a vote. You do the hard work of fighting for the next vote. Progress comes with setbacks.
Guess we’re gonna see more Trump trading cards.
At a pro level gender differences are the most pronounced. It’s below that where is mostly a wash.
They hate immigrants more than they like children.
That was goddamn amazing.
Yeah, I agree.
#2: He’s not a member of the executive branch
He hasn’t been there long enough to start exploiting the loopholes.
The part where you think a party willing to cheat and lie will hold to liberal democracy ideals.
You cometely missed my point. You’re using the same shitty logic they are. “Both sides” are doing the same thing.
Wut? I don’t expect a coherent response since lemmy loves conspiracy theories, but where did you get this from?