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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Why be a dick about it when you can just ignore them. Seems like they’re just trying to communicate in a way that’s generally experienced as nice.

    Like I get it, it’s easy to get annoyed at people trying to “make” you participate in an imaginary and kinda lame social behaviour… But like, being a dick on purpose probably does you more damage than them

    No one likes someone whose rude for the sake of being rude, or an edgelord, even being a contrarian just for the sake of it isn’t the greatest characteristic.

    Better to find a stable calm attitude that doesn’t require that… And if it’s a way to blow off steam, better to find ways that are more in your own domain of control, rather than having it controlled by an external trigger.

    Something to give thought to next time your driving jeep anyways.

  • Is it almost like decades of choosing ratchet theory and not pushing hard left when you have the opportunities has actual consequences?

    Horrible time to realise this.

    Imagine how many MAGA people wouldn’t be paying attention to politics if weed was legal for recreational use nation wide, or if trans politics had have been introduced in an earlier period, or if billionaires like Musk and Murdoch weren’t always sided with and given corporate welfare.

    Now is a terrible time to learn this lesson, literally the worst.

  • The heritage Foundation’s 2025 plan doesn’t just go away if Trump loses the election. The Republican party just sit on it, and sit on it, and sit on it, until they are elected again… And they will be elected again.

    So the establishment left needs to show some level of radical action to even “return” to centrist popularity.

    The President pulling rank on The DEA isn’t illegal, and would ensure a full term where the electoral process could be reviewed and further secured, and an a number of Supreme Court justices could be impeached under a stronger set of anti-corruption laws instituted by a democratic effort.

    Because sometimes corrective radicalism is called for and warranted… Like when someone almost does a coup.