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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • The nostalgia boner is that it was a very unique game, and nothing has come out quite like it since. It’s not even like Daggerfall or Arena. For someone looking for that experience, Oblivion and Skyrim were massive disappointments.

    Going from a volcano that is spewing flesh mutating disease while riding giant bugs around to Tolkienesque Medieval Fantasy Landscape #3045 gave me whiplash. (The Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine save the package though.) And losing the ability to kill whoever I want? Spears???

    Skyrim is better. It mangles what could have been a good story by retconning lore and making Alduin into big evil bad, just as Oblivion was about basically Satan invading the world. Morrowind’s villain may not be right, but his motives are 100% understandable and he has a good point. (In Oblivion: why would you join a cult dedicated to killing everyone for no reason?)

    As a Morrowboomer, I’m willing to accept the series changed, but there just hasn’t been something to replace what I hoped for ES4. They don’t make games with that vibe anymore. The closest thing I’ve had to scratching that itch would be Planescape Torment, Pathologic, or Zeno Clash.

  • A boarding school roommate had a mental health breakdown so severe an ambulance was called, with actual trauma-trained doctors who provided basic psychiatric treatment (sedation pills and further care advice to dormkeepers).

    Holy shit. PTSD from suicide attempts is common, at least in the US they send in the fucking cops! You’re having the worst experience in your life, and the first thing you see is a condescending prick putting you in handcuffs. I’ve had teens I care deeply about subject themselves to this experience, and it makes things significantly worse. I feel like my life would have been improved by having that experience.

  • Literally every gay man I know is concerned about HIV. Lots of people go on prep. There is not a subculture of people spreading HIV consensually or forcefully. I have never met a single person in either online communities or real life who would advocate for that practice.

    I have quite literally been to sex dungeons. I have seen people set fire to genitals (in a safe and controlled way). I have seen people participate in far more extreme practices. I have never seen anyone advocate, fantasize, or talk about any of the things you have mentioned.

  • Bro, I’m in multiple “homosexual communities you can found online.” I’ve never seen anything like what you are describing.

    I can find all kinds of crazy and gross heterosexual pornography. I would not generalize the behaviors I see in heterosexual pornography to all heterosexuals. I would not generalize the wild and raunchy behavior of heterosexual men and women at Mardi Gras to all heterosexual men and women.

    Go touch grass - there’s a good chance that you’ll actually interact with a real gay person, instead of the imaginary demons you created in your head.

  • I am gay. I have had lots of gay sex. I have had lots of kinky over the top gay sex. I have talked about absolutely wild and over the top kinks with all kinds of people. I’m not trying to be gross, but to communicate that I have a statistically significant sample size.

    I have never met a person who was a bug chaser. I’ve never spoken to one on Grindr, or seen one with that listed in their profile. They exist, and I’ve seen interviews with them online, but I’ve never met anyone like that in real life.

    Some heterosexual women have sex with dogs - I’m not sure that it would be fair to extrapolate that to all heterosexual women.

    I’ve never been to the Folsom Street fair, so I’m not sure why I am responsible or related to the behavior that happens there.

  • District I worked in has a “magnet school” - still public but you have to test to get in and it’s fairly nice - the rest of the schools are falling apart and literally violate fire codes with how packed they are. State policies let you transfer to whatever district you want.

    So what happens is that (white, upper/middle class) parents will transfer their kids into the district to try to get into that school. If they don’t, they transfer to their home district. So the best funded school in the district doesn’t serve kids who live in the district. Only HS with a substantial white population.

  • Where I live, I can be legally denied a job, housing, or medical care. If the cops wanted to, they’ve retroactively invalidated changed drivers licenses, so they could probably just arrest me for driving. I couldn’t access any form of domestic violence resource when escaping my marriage.

    Some trans people are crazy assholes - just as some cis people are crazy assholes. But there is no system level oppression of cis people. Drama is annoying, but drama doesn’t mean you don’t get to eat.