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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • These shithead illegal immigration policies probably wouldnt even be in the spotlight if scared old white people weren’t the biggest swath of participating voters.

    Fascists are never going to vote democrat.

    Triangulation doesn’t work. When you triangulate yourself to be 1 inch left of hitler, the people who want hitler vote hitler, and the people who wanted not-hitler don’t vote. When you get elected for being not-hitler, and proceed to facilitate genocide, people who wanted not-hitler don’t vote

    You learned nothing in 2020.

    You learned nothing when Obama lost the house and senate in 2010 after not pulling out of Iraq+afghanistan, ending the war on drugs, and doing other stuff that voters expected of him, instead tryed to reach out to moderate republicans.

    You learned nothing when Kerry lost after campaigning on doing the wars more competently in 2004.

    And you will learn nothing in November.

    Now what the fuck do we do about this impending presidential vote?

    Pressure Biden to cut off all aid to Israel and sanction them until they give equal civil rights to Palestinians and return their homes, use military hospitals to provide healthcare to women, send in the military to destroy the child-drowning fence on the rio, etc.

    Doing good things instead of bad things is only way Biden can hope to be reelected (no, the republicans or the parliamentarian or the SCOTUS or Joe Manchin or civility and norms aren’t an excuse).

  • Old enough to remember there were lots opposing it as well. Just.like the current Gaza war.

    Except none of them meaningfully oppose the gaza war. The closest thing to criticism you’ll hear from a mainstream source is how Netanyahu personally isn’t carrying out the war out humanely enough. Note that this is not actually opposition to the war, since it just calls for a return to the state of slow ethnic cleansing that spawned the war. They oppose the way and rate the settler colonialist ethnostate carries out ethnic cleansing, not the settler colonialist ethnostate whose national project requires ethnic cleansing.

    Just as in the Iraq war, nobody was saying “This is bad, and we should leave now, there’s a million people protesting it outside” until like 2006, when the plans to leave were already drawn up (a schedule Obama maintained).

    There was a million “The war is good, but it’s being done poorly” and later on “The war is bad, but we’re here and have to carry it out more competently”, but the idea of not pursuing the war was so toxic, republicans would accuse democrats of wanting to “cut and run” (in the same way they accuse democrats of being insufficiently supportive of Israel, despite literally going around congress to keep the weapons flowing).

  • Yes, if the democrats did care about these things, they would have emptied the concentration camps instead of writing the most draconian anti-immigration bill in recent history, then overriding congress when it didn’t pass, defunded the police instead of advising states to divert covid funds to them, stopped giving Israel the bombs to carry out a genocide, and stacked the court during the 2 years they had a majority and could have done so, instead of changing the rules so they couldn’t.

    You don’t get to campaign on maintaining Roe V Wade, then do nothing to prevent its overturn, and claim you cared about Roe v Wade.

  • Are they shrinking? I get downvoted to hell for saying “<x> was bad when Trump did it, it’s bad when Biden does it”.

    I expect this will continue until the election, at which point they will blame the left for telling them that Biden needs to stop doing bad things and start helping people if he wants to be elected.

    And then they will pretend to care about concentration camps for migrants, anti-LGBT laws, women’s rights, police brutality, Palestinians, etc again, for about 3 years, at which point they will tell us that actually those things make a candidate unelectable until the primary is over, and then go back to pretending that they stand for those things until election day.

    Then if the dem candidate wins, the president will simply be powerless to do anything, because they only got 51% or wait no they needed a supermajority or wait no they needed a supermajority plus enough to stop the villain of the week, or wait no they needed some SCOTUS to die off, or wait no they needed the parliamentarian, etc etc.

    Repeat until republicans are in power again.