Lemmy shouldn’t have avatars, banners, or bios

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

    • 7 felt like it was mine

    I remember that marketing campaign. Windows Vista had a shaky launch, because the hardware manufacturers hadn’t polished the Vista-compatible drivers yet. 6 months later, they had caught up, but people still had a bad taste from it.

    So when service pack 1 came out, Microsoft made a reskinned version of it and started an ad campaign with “customers” claiming “Windows 7 was my idea!” and the public ate it up.

  • Perhaps this will be unpopular, but it was all Raul Julia. He definitely out-Gomezed John Astin, but Carolyn Jones was something else.

    I don’t mean to sleight Anjelica Huston, but it would be difficult to fail working opposite Raul, and Carolyn Jones was frequently the one carrying John Astin in the series.

    Not to speak ill of Astin either, because he was good, but he played it differently

  • I couldn’t imagine tying myself to a single category for my whole career.

    I’ve done front end, back end, database, web, Windows, and Linux development. If the job calls for learning something new, I’m on it. These days I’m making datacenter software for admins to use to manage their distributed applications. Before this, I was doing the same thing for factory automation at the edge.

    Specializing has its value, but the more flexible you can be, the more useful you will be when the landscape changes and your boss suddenly asks you to set up an AI system or something.

  • My experience says a lot of these people bought into the “fake news” narrative, where they conveniently don’t believe anything presented to them, no matter how digestible – unless it reinforces things they already believe.

    My mother goes on about how “science” can be used to prove anything, and “science” gets it wrong so often, so she won’t believe anything she reads. While turning around and saying she found out Planned Parenthood is harvesting and selling baby parts, which is why they want mass abortions across the US

  • There’s a few times they get racial, but it does manage to stay pretty tame about it all.

    When they are showing the newscasters around the world, it certainly skirts the line, but doesn’t cross it. Much like the fellows speaking “jive”, they pull it off without turning the black men themselves into the joke.

  • I’m a programmer, which is in a pretty bad spot if you’re looking for work right now.

    I was laid off in January and had to start looking again. While it’s important to be able to demonstrate your skills, the only way I got an interview for my new job was by being referred by an old colleague. Turns out maintaining relationships with people who can vouch for your work is a very big part of the process.

  • Classic Who went through enough changes that there might be something you enjoy in there. It was arguably at its best during the Tom Baker years. (Season 12). If you can’t get into that, then it may just not be your jam. A lot of the charm to the old series came from the low budgets and aggressively short production times. But with the 4th Doctor they had gotten a little more confidence from BBC and I think their budgets started getting bigger for a few years.

    The original Doctor Who in the 60s was more like original series Star Trek, in that it sometimes felt more like a stage production than a television show, and that kind of writing is understandably dated.

  • This is a symptom of the problem, I think. The idea of a social media platform being confusing enough to even need a new user guide will be enough to put people off.

    I think the conversation needs to be framed differently. Most new users aren’t going to care about federation or decentralization when they first look at the platform. Don’t tell people to choose an instance, just recommend one that you think is good. At that point, the only thing that will draw people in is to see interesting conversations and communities when they visit.

    To me, that means feeds that aren’t dominated by niche interests by default. Don’t get me wrong, I love Star Trek and I appreciate Linux for what it’s good at. But if I wasn’t into those things, I would think those are the only communities being represented here.

    In that respect, the sorting algorithm needs work. The votes are a good way to start, but it’s become pretty clear that in the new user feed, some communities need to be weighted differently than others. The initial experience should probably show more actual conversations, and fewer communities that live off bot posts.

    People were really excited about being able to make bots that repost entire rss feeds or repost other site content into everyone’s Lemmy front page, and those are fun projects to work on. But those need to have a lot smaller impact on the default feed that instances show