He tried to overthrow a democratic elected government. What do you think they would have done have they ran into Pelossi or Pence? They had nooses. It was pre-planned and we don’t even know who in the government helped them. I’m not American btw
He tried to overthrow a democratic elected government. What do you think they would have done have they ran into Pelossi or Pence? They had nooses. It was pre-planned and we don’t even know who in the government helped them. I’m not American btw
It sounds like No Man’s Sky. You’re supposed to be able to explore the whole galaxy and see many creatures, environments, etc but they all end up being the same so exploration is boring, at least to me it was
Why are they all getting basically a slap in the hand?
One of my favorite lyrics:
Now, why don’t you look down to where your feet is planted?
That U.S. soil that makes you take shit for granted
If not for Santa Ana, just to let you know
That where your feet are planted, would be Mexico, correcto!
Bro, universal kid ban. No more kids anywhere, problem solved.
Don’t give them ideas
That’s a no on your link dawg. I like the magical land you live in tho, where meat just appears for you to consume
Have you ever heard of demand and supply? You are being willfully ignorant or playing dumb
Us deciding to eat meat contributes directly to the harm of cows
Hey man, it’s your life, but I wouldn’t go advertising to the world if I was uneducated and gullible
I miss those games so much. Nothing out there now compares to
Trumpers: “reality can be anything I want”
One of your socks is always wet
Netflix has some of the raunchiest posters I’ve ever seen
Mexicans stopped claiming Santana a long time ago, he’s always been an asshole
Are there many people from the US seeking asylum in other countries or migrating at high numbers?
Hey, a new troll
having fewer vacation days, 16%; having a longer commute, 12%; taking a pay cut, 10%; or taking a step back in their careers
Yeah right, what are employers sacrificing again? What a BS article
Did you also become symbolic of trash lately or were you always like this?
These are all well known, are they not?