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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The right will often purposefully misrepresent whatever the left uses as a slogan. So only so much can be done there. As for the use of racial pride, I find that often those who can claim no accomplishments in themselves will often claim pride by association. They could claim pride in race, but really any group. This could be considered a defense mechanism for their own ego as they are not okay accepting their own short comings.

  • This is a good empathetic arguement for socialism. Unfortunately many terrible people like the second solution of just killing off the unemployable in various ways. This was usually done through invading neighbors which increases ones own power and reduces your own unemployable workforce. If you don't want to kill off your own people, you may also have a minority group in your borders that can be put on trains for removal in various ways. Unfortunately the Karl Marx saw a common issue in history and proposed an empathetic way to solve it, but most people I know are assholes and prefer the second option.

  • Agreed. A big problem with the gun control debate is that on one hand we have lunatics able to massacre hundreds of children and on the other hand the right to bear arms exists so that people can defend their other rights when the government decides to be tyranical. I've heard the arguements that people can't defend themselves from the modern military, but Vietnam's handling of the US would be the counter arguement. The founding fathers and Karl Marx realized the importance of the people's ability to defend againest tyranny. So all that being said, how do we keep the citizens armed while not letting crazies kill our children. To that I have no answer, but I hope that some kind of comprise can be reached.