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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • it was competitive with basketball 30 years ago

    Bettman supporters keep saying how much the revenue has grown under his leadership while conveniently forgetting that every other league has grown its revenue faster than the NHL. As you say, the NHL used to be competitive with the NBA, and in fact, had higher overall revenue 30 years ago.

    Bettman hid most of his underperforming league revenue by expanding the league. The new teams didn't perform well, but they boosted overall revenue enough to let Bettman keep his job. Now we're left with a league where 6-8 teams should die in order to improve overall league health. It's unlikely that Bettman or any future commissioner will admit how massive the problem is, so we'll just get teams that are always threatening to become bankrupt, dragging down the rest of the league.

  • It's not about the needle, it's about how Reddit acts during its death throes.

    Reddit can't make money unless they monetize every user in every way possible, including selling their personal data if they have it. The API garbage was an attempt to monetize users in ways even their own app doesn't, and also an admission that advertising isn't paying the bills, or they would have just started advertising through the API.

    So now we're seeing how Reddit behaves once they realize that charging for API access doesn't work. They will sell everyone and everything until they shut down.

  • they can lose the trademark if they don’t try to defend it

    This is true, but that's if another company is using a similar logo as their own. Like, if a pet store used the Mickey Mouse logo, of course they're going to be sued.

    If a daycare uses Mickey Mouse to decorate their classroom, Disney doesn't have to sue because the trademark isn't be used separate from Disney. The Daycare, and kids, are using it because it's Disney, so there is no confusion about trademark ownership.

    At the very least, Disney could simply write them a letter allowing them to use depictions of Disney characters inside the school so long as it's not for advertising or commercial purposes and the art is done by a student or teacher.

  • Landlords must exist because people need to rent housing, and it sure sounds like you’re doing it right. Some landlords (and some tenants) are awful human beings who should not be landlords while others are good people.

    A bigger problem is happening in areas with housing shortages. Housing prices have been skyrocketing for 10+ years and home owners have been leveraging themselves with their home equity to buy other homes. On a large scale, that eats up a lot of housing supply, increases prices, and makes it more difficult for people without existing real estate equity to buy a house.

    In the city where I live, owning a house is essentially not possible for middle-class people unless their parents give them a down payment. Even my girlfriend and I, who combine for more than triple the average household income in the city, are taking years and years to save for a $300k+ down payment that’s needed to bring the mortgage payment down to $6k/mo.

    Landlords didn’t create the housing shortage, but I can see why someone who’s struggling to buy a house while watching landlords buy multiple houses can develop a hatred for them.