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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024

  • Like many things it’s a solution to a problem that’s now solved in other ways, originally it was really easy to skip town and make a new identity so they had to have enough collateral to know you’ll come back - if you’re facing two years in jail if you lose the trial or losing 5 years worth of money if you flee it’s more likely you’d turn up to court.

    I guess it became a money thing at some point, the rich like it because they can avoid the same harsh laws the poor suffer, then lending money became an industry and of course they use some of the money they screw out of poor people to lobby the government to make the system even less fair… plus j imagine all sorts of clever accounting makes use of the money while in the courts hands, probably earns some kickbacks somewhere.

    Abolishing it and creating a more sane modern system would be a good thing but it’d be unpopular for many reasons - but we’ve always done it like this, but we would have a budget hole, but why are they making things easier for criminals when my life is hard / climate change / war / etc… politicians don’t deal with issues like this because the voting public would punish them if they did even though the voting public largely agrees and would likely totally agree if they understood it - which they never will because their opposition will find clever ways to make it seem complicated or turn it Into a culture war issue / moral crusade.

  • Yes but the people complaining are largely people who would complain about literally anything - if its pizza for dinner then he’s bad for not making pasta, if it’s pasta then we wanted soup…

    Most people know it’s pointless to take them seriously because they’re not being serious, they’re simply trying to use the strongest words to condemn every single position and action he takes because their underlying self image is based on seeing themselves as better and more moral than the rest of society.

    This is hugely common, Christians do it all the time - im too holy and moral to have time to spare to participate in society… it’d a cop out and nothing more.

  • Exactly what I’m saying, almost no one wants totally open boarders so people attacking Biden for not doing that are ridiculous.

    Left purity culture doesn’t care about reality, Biden has done reasonable things but it doesn’t matter because no one looks to check if they agree they simply assume that it must be bad because government bad. Biden bad, everyone but me bad…

    This is why people don’t say what they actually want, they don’t support anything - open boarders bad, restrictions on boarders bad, closed boarders bad… you can be against everything when your only defining principle is that you’ll always consider yourself more radical or better than anyone else.

  • Surely item 8623 in the list of reasons no sane person would vote for him will convince them!

    The reality is people voting gop don’t care about women, they certainly don’t care about porn stars - they see this as a political stunt involving a fallen women who of course would lie to hurt their hero. The actual crime of fraud is meaningless to them, they’ve convinced themselves it’s more evidence the dems are corrupt and evil so it’ll only harden their resolve.

    Vote and convince people the importance of voting, it really is very important. If they win gop will use this as a mandate to ensure ‘dem political corruption can never happen again’ which involves reversing decisions, packing courts, introducing crazy rules and protections for their own corruption, and likely attacking all the ‘many arms of dem corruption’ from artifa to NPR.

  • People who actually care see Biden working to mitigate the problems in Isreal without being totally knee-jerk and making everything much worse - just letting all the jews die is not going to make things better, yes I understand that a small portion of the loud left want this but most the country recognizes its far worse than the current situation and things are super complex. Just pulling funding from Isreal is not an option that any but a very small and extreme portion of the country want, the reality is Biden position is fairly popular and even sided.

    And again it is only the very very extreme left who want open boarders, most the left support border controls to some extent. Biden has hugely reduced deportation while Trump wants ‘the biggest deportation operation in history’ Biden allowed the building of a wall Trump started and hasn’t built more, has fought to make boarders less aggressive and to provide help for those at boarders. Biden also ended family separation at the border. Saying they’re the same because neither are extreme anti-boarder is just disingenuous.

    The reality is soft on boarders or hard on Isreal would lose more votes than it wins.

  • It’s slang you’d hear 50 years ago in the east end and Essex. You’ll only really hear it used by gangsters in movies these days or someone putting on the accent for laughs, possibly from an old geezer, you certainly won’t hear it used by respectable establishments or family friendly media. It’s not generally considered offensive but is considered uncouth.