Professional game and software developer from Finland.



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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • With hundreds of games, updates, dlc, mods, merchandice, videos and streams appearing each passing day gaming communities would get flooded by spam if no such rules would be in place. If you want to advertise on a commercial platform then you should do so through official channels.

    Generally lemmy and reddit communities favor more organic content like for example solo game developer could ask for a feedback on piece of art of game mechanic they’ve implemented to their game in gamedev related communities. They could also participate to community events like screenshots saturday, share your progress friday or anything similar.

    Now /r/gaming and /r/pcgaming are probably huge communities that are mostly about discussing gaming news, articles and just general topics around gaming. These communities are probably hard to moderate as is and allowing people to self promote there could lead to flood of indie or mobile game ads, streamers and youtubers trying to get more views for their vods or streams, etc which could really annoy the community.

  • Gameplay looks fine but also very similar to most triple-A action games on the market. Combat is fluid and cinematic meaning you can probably pull off all sorts of combos by mashing light and heavy attack buttons then do bunch of acrobatic moves to dodge any enemy attacks. You can probably also counter attacks execute all sorts of cool cinematic takedowns with single button or QTE.

    But this often means that the combat lacks any sort of meaningful weight, emergent gameplay is non-existent and actual player choice is very limited and thightly controlled by what the game and level designers allow.

  • The trailer makes my eyes hurt so it’s a definate skip for me.

    I mean the whole thing seemed to be animated exclusively with 3s or 4s which to me looks like the characters are micro-warping around instead of moving. When watching In to the Spiderverse and LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS (SUITS) I literally had to take breaks and watch elsewhere so rest my eyes and this looks a lot worse.

  • The cutscenes hurt my eyes with the frame rate but the gameplay looks alright.

    Honestly not fan of the the way some 3d animations animate with 2s/3s to create fake stop motion videos. It’s even worse when they try to make it look like a cartoon/anime and completely forget to add any smear frames that make the these animations look a lot smoother than they actually are. For me these look like characters constantly warping around instead of moving which hurst my eyes, luckily it seems to only affect the characters and not the movement camera.

    The gameplay looks alright but very unoriginal, there’s seems to be this basic combat with dodging, light and heavy strikes and then these fly using streams of wind/magic/energy and energy hook-shot to get you exactly where developers want you to go. Maybe the theme, story and visuals will be enough to make this shine above the competition.

  • Honestly they’ve been on a steady decline in my eyes at least. With each and every new entry they’re becoming more and more like the rest of the Triple-A studios.

    Sure many of their games are still decent fun if you can ignore:

    • Dark patterns
    • Microtransactions in full priced games
    • Battle passes
    • Denuvo

    Personally I just can’t as mere existence of these thigns ruins my trust towards these developers/publishers.

  • Grim Dawn feels a little mechanically dated at this point but it’s still solid

    Honestly Grim dawn is probably the most polished action rpg I’ve ever played. The developers have spend a ton of time adjusting the game mechanics, balance and build variety to be as good as possible. This is quite a contrast to games like path of exile where the developers are costantly adding new mechanics and bunch of new items each season. Sure doing so keeps the game feeling fresh which is important for live service but results in a lot more rough edges.

  • Yeah both Sacred games have their fair share of jank on you’ll need to apply community patches and possibly mods to even make them work on todays systems. However what they do not lack is soul as both games are clearly made with love and feel very unique compared to many modern games.

    If you can forgive the jank and don’t mind to play older games with somewhat dated graphics I feel these games can still provide a lot of enjoyment. Would love to see remasters for these games or eveb a spiritual sequel.

    Currently playing Sacred 2 with community patch, enchanted edition mod , more enemies mod and music mod and having a blast. The EE is tough as nails though and I am frequently getting my ass handed to my by elite enemies and bosses even on silver difficulty.