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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Why is it when talking about Israeli military or political action it's necessary to add the word government? With any other country you can say, as an example, "Russia shouldn't be invading Ukraine", but with Israel it seems necessary to add something like "I'm talking about the government, not the people."

    On the other side of things, it seems Hamas is interchangable with Palestine, which is interchangable with the Palestinian people, and none of these get folks pointing out the distinction.

  • I agree. There are plenty of people conflating issue 1 and abortion rights, but the reality is issue 1 had nothing to do with abortion rights. I don’t think this is a Democrat win, nearly as much as it’s being portrayed. Plenty of R’s voted it down on it’s own merit. LaRose was certainly pushing it to prevent an abortion rights win in November, but after his push to eliminate special elections (not to mention what the proposal actually said) folks across the political spectrum saw it for the power grab it was. Wanting to keep a path for citizen led ballot initiatives does not equal wanting to enshrine abortion rights.