Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Me getting some serious allergies ever since I came to visit my (pregnant) sister

    Praying it IS just allergies and not an infection

    And it has gotten bad. Y’know when there’s mucus down in your lungs? Yea.

    AND she lives in a small town, so the bronchitis pump I use won’t be here until tomorrow as it has to be ordered from the big city.

    (Kill me)

  • Deleted my previous comment, felt like I should give this a bit more attention.

    To be honest I feel like all designs are good in their own way. I like the general vibe of Memphis, but being that I was born in the mid 90s, it’s probably just that general energy you get from things that happened before you did, where they are “cool” due to how just-old-enough-to-be-old-but-not-old-enough-to-be-an-antique they are, yanno?

    Y2K design – Well. I like the transluscent plastic on Gameboys and Macs. Really underrated aesthetic, wouldn’t mind having it back. The DreamCast had some very sleek angles too.

    Frutiger Aero will never not “look like the future” to me. It was the age of computer interfaces having all sorts of fun colours and transparencies and animations, and it just LOOKED futuristic and neat. Don’t care for the product designs of the era though. That shiny finish would draw in filth and fingerprints from accross the room and after a very short time it’d lose its prettiness.

    Flat design I have issues with, like the hamburger menus and the abandonment of descriptive text in favour of abstract icons – It is also a bit too serious, but I understand and accept that, even if I miss the playfulness of Frutiger. – But it DID finally bring us dark mode. And my eyes are forever grateful.

    … Just wish solarized themes were the norm instead, no idea why they must have such high contrast. I’d even give light mode its time of day if it was a solarized light instead.

  • Flat-earthers, and I see it as the most unhinged for one simple reason:

    It seemingly has no – Stakes?


    With every other conspiracy, whether it be related to 5G or Fluoride in the Water or Vaccines or whatever, there is someone who is consolidating a shit-ton of power or wealth through their conspiring, y’know?

    But with Flat Eartherism… ? Like. Imagine you got control of every educational institution. You use it to convince people the planet is the wrong shape. And by doing that you gain… – What exactly? It just seems pointless? We know what people do when they have power to manipulate people on that level, because history tells us. And they generally don’t bother with the shape of the planet.

  • Oh! I am not the only one!

    Good. I thought I had fucked something up. Now I guess it’s something that is out of my hands.

    Guess I’ll just keep playing the ones that do work (it’s not a lot of them).

    Edit: Well, this dumbass here doesn’t have btrfs and can’t use snapper. BUT. I downloaded an older version of the kernel (from the 30th of last month) from the SUSE repo and installed that. I’ll try rebooting later and see if it makes a difference.

    Edit 2: WELL it didn’t work. Trying to boot into the older kernel caused other things to break. System seemed to load with a generic graphics driver instead of the proper driver for my AMDGPU… ? I imagine I’d have to downgrade more packages than just the kernel itself for things to actually function, but that is beyond by knowledge. Back to plan A of hoping it gets fixed. :P