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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • It’s not that I don’t want it to change, it’s that I’m exceedingly doubtful it’ll happen in a single election via a third party unless we get a knight in shining armor that sweeps the voters off their feet. Of the two parties we currently really have a choice between, the Dems are the only one that have a chance of improving the situation, as the republicans are purely regressive. So my hope and what I think is more realistically possible is that they can be a stepping stone towards improving the system in the long run. But if we do get the knight in shining armor that has an actual chance, they’ll get my vote

  • Not really, because unless you can convince a majority of Americans to vote third party, which is unbelievably unlikely, then Biden or Trump are the options. On top of that, when you start pulling left wing votes away from Biden, it makes it easier for Trump to win unless you hit the point of majority support, which is again incredibly unlikely. I wish that weren’t the reality, but that’s how it is currently, and I hella do not want another term of Trump as I believe that’d be genuinely ruinous.

  • The new mobile update is such hot garbage, I really wonder how much money they blew clumsily shoving their features into a generic messaging app template rather than just slightly evolving their previously overall pretty nice UI. They didn’t even add a freakin call confirm! Ugh. I cancelled my nitro classic after they rolled it out and I’ve had zero regrets about it, not worth $5 a month let alone the newer $10 tier lmao

  • The Grudge. I saw it when I was maybe 7 or 8? I was at an Aunts house with some older brothers that had it on. Honestly I barely remember actually watching it, but good lord it scarred me until I was at least 18 or so. I could never get the image of hair growing out of random places, turning into something terrifying out of my head whenever I was showering and stuff. I still haven’t rewatched it :D I’m quite a scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies already and I could totally see it giving me nightmares again if it’s anything like I remember as a kid