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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The issue I have run into a lot is that they have the “wrong” kind of experience. Somewhat inline with the adage “practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect”. I spent a lot of my teens and 20s being introspective, working on myself, and becoming the kind of person I would want to date. A lot of people I have had experiences with in my 30s spent a lot of that time in bad relationships creating reactive responses to various things rather than addressing the core issues or learning how to, and as a result they often have a lot of “bad habits” or expectations going into dating or future relationships.

    I have met more than one person that has said they need someone who can be patient with them while they heal and deal with their past, while also not necessarily wanting to, or being capable of, providing that same level of patience and understanding to a partner. That seems…uhhh not really appropriate or fair? But I’m the one that’s been single for quite a while, sooooo it’s just as likely I could be the one with my head so far up my ass I can taste my tonsils.

  • Not OP, but I was sterilized in my mid 20s. Not only am I not interested in having kids, but I would not be a good parent. I have still dated people with kids who made it clear there would never be an expectation that I become a parent or interact with their kids, which does address those issues, but there are others. Understandably their kids take priority over basically everything except for maybe the factors that effect their ability to provide for their kids (or at least I think they should). That often means they don’t have nearly as much time to hang out and build a connection, nor are they able to be as free to do other things due to constraints on their time, finances, or both like going on fun trips. Another factor I have run into that is that usually the reason someone is single and has kids due to entirely positive reasons, and there is often at least some amount of trauma in their past that is often not entirely behind them.

    To be clear the above is in no way an absolute and are merely my anecdotal experience and correlations in the given area I live. It is also always worth keeping in mind that I am in no way perfect myself and that it’s possible there is something about me that results in the above being my experience.

  • Mostly because I’m trying to survive and get to the next day. I do not have the financial or social safety net required to do so. Really it’s the latter that is the problem. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted a year. It wasn’t a quick one and done kind of thing. As a society we are much less socially connected than we were in the past and we don’t really have other people to rely on.

    I agree with what you are saying, by not marching in the streets I am part of the problem. I don’t know man, shit is fucked. I’m doing what I can but it’s not much.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up like one of the White Rose. It hasn’t even been a century since then, smh.


  • Is their funding method viable for every single journalism outlet though? Or maybe there better question would be, for every article posted, is there a 501c3 (or otherwise sustainably funded) news outlet that has published coverage on the same story?

    I’m not disagreeing or agreeing with you, I’m just writing out some of my own indecision on the topic. Journalism is vitally important but it seems like it’s very difficult for people to make a living doing it and I don’t know what the answer is.

  • I haven’t used all of my PTO for the last couple of years because I haven’t really had the money to enjoy it. While I am salary and didn’t get OT, due to traveling for work and some other oddities working more did generally result in my making more money indirectly. Once I have dug my way out of my debts (college, some medical, nothing that isn’t manageable for me) I plan on taking every day I have and traveling as much as I can, and I want to get to that point as quickly as I can.

    It also helps that what I do at work and what I do for fun look so similar that even coworkers looking over my shoulder at what I am working would have no idea if what I am doing is for work or myself, so I can get a fair amount of screwing around on company time in which helps prevent burnout.