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Detroit style pizza ride or diester.

                                    PIZZA TO THE GRAVE!

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • From Sen. Sanders statement:

    An immediate humanitarian response is vitally important, but it is equally important for Israel to have a political strategy. It cannot bomb its way to a long-term solution. Such a strategy must include, as minimum first steps: a clear promise that Palestinians displaced in the fighting will have the absolute right to safely return to their homes; a commitment to broader peace talks to advance a two-state solution in the wake of this war; an abandonment of Israeli efforts to carve up and annex the West Bank; and a commitment to work with the international community to build genuine Palestinian governing capacity.

    What is happening now is butchery, not the steps to a lasting peace. Every single person and nation can walk back from the brink of madness if they realize they are wrong and start the process to peace. Peace doesn't come at the end of a sword. It comes from an outstretched hand. Show these poor trapped people your humanity. Show them mercy in the face of crushing death and sow the seeds of a future both your children can live in.

    This piece was published 4 days ago. Israel still has time to save 350,000 people dying in the rubble around them. There is always time to be human. There is always time for mercy when you were shown none.

  • So?
    How the fuck does that stop anything? If I leave my phone at home I turn around and get my phone or I don't. It's not what is easier or how far I've driven. It's whether it's worth doing. In the case of saving the 330,000 civilians trapped in the rubble around the forces that have encircled them, then yes it's worth doing. Nobody gets to act like it's too late until there isn't a shred of hope for those people and the hearts that beat inside them.

    Nobody gets to claim the moral high ground in sacrificing the lives of the people trapped where you decided to invade or Hamas decided to defend. You cannot beat monsters by being an equally gross monster. It only leaves us a world of dead civilians filled with awful monsters. You want to beat Hamas? You have to be better than Hamas. Sanders gets that. Why don't you?

    Saving civilians is not a loss of progress. It's the first step toward it dude.

  • From the article:

    In a memo released Thursday, Biden campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez said her team feels “well-prepared to defeat whoever emerges from the extreme MAGA Republicans’ primary field,” but “this will be a very close general election.”
    Biden won 64 percent of the Muslim vote in 2020, and Trump won 35 percent, according to exit polling by The Associated Press.

    New polling this week showed Biden’s support among Arab American voters plummeting to just 17 percent, down 42 percentage points compared to 2020. The Arab American Institute, which conducted the poll, said it marks the first time in 26 years of polling Arab Americans that the majority did not claim to prefer the Democratic Party.

    Between this recurring news and the fact that it's being taken seriously it feels like team Biden is going to have to go further than an Islamophobia policy implementation. These numbers can likely lose him Michigan as it stands, and ignoring the Midwest has never worked out to a candidates (and all of our) detriment in the recent past. We need concise action to support these communities if we want to keep Michigan blue.