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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I tried looking for the Mars Rover that is using a compute module and couldn't find any that were using one which makes sense because it's not radiation hardened and they need to operate well outside of the temperature range that the modules actually tolerate. They seem to all be using a radiation hardened version of an IBM power PC 750 that is manufactured by a company name BAE. Ignoring that fact though the Mars Rover does not meet the same low latency processing requirements that this meme is referencing so we can move along further.

    "Most Ukrainian drives use it too" while I can't quantify these numbers it does appear that the Ukrainian military uses orange pi's for their "kamikaze" drones which is good for that application as it's easy to source and doesn't require any heavy demand. As for everything else I was able to locate on the subject, it all appears to be typical DSP processors Analog Devices SHARC's and the TI equivalents such as the TMS320F28335 As for the Iris-T I could not find any information one way or another there. It's indicating high velocity and use of radar so I can't imagine they are using anything other than a DSP processor as you are going to need to shave every single microsecond of response time to maximize your effectiveness.

  • The way I see it, things have been filtered down to a design concept of “simplify until a toddler can figure it out” and that’s been followed by so many designs that everyone has overlooked all the drawbacks of designing in that fashion. People have become wildly content with simple apps that lack personal configuration or extended functionality because users now lack so much basic knowledge or expect crazy things to the point that if they come across any small issue they will call technical support, leave a crazed email, or complain loudly on social media long before they every actually considered solving the issue themselves or even checking online to see how others arrived at the issue. I kinda feel like I’m just rambling right now but for a long time society, at least here in the US, normalized and and removed negative connotations from the term “computer illiterate” to the point that it’s become not only the norm but the design goal.

  • Everything you just said is just… So incorrect. I don’t even know where to begin. With just saying it’s difficult to use, like what the hell are you on? How disillusioned are you that you actually feel that is a true statement?? If anything is the only OS using logical conventions, just in the simple concept of it being the most well known and common is in the world for desktop use.

    I don’t even know how to start with the basic usability functions that you claim are missing but as a long time Linux user I’m very interested to see what examples you give because I’m sure everyone is interested.