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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023

  • What? They did have onboard sound. The problem is that if you used the motherboard speaker to make anything more decent than a beep, you basically needed to build an entire sound engine from scratch and very few games did so. It also wasn’t worthwhile because a shitty two pin speaker could not compare to the speakers of a professional sound system which you needed the soundcard to hook up into, and CPU bandwidth was such a limitation back then than even when games could play WAV they would use MIDI to offload the musical instrument synthesizing for the soundtracks to the sound card. Designing a game that used the onboard sound speaker was basically the realm of assembly hacking geniuses.

  • “It’s too complex, can’t do anything about it!” I swear, the moment people saw the crypto industry being able to ignore fiscal laws and responsibility because of shiny objects in the form of algorithm complexity is the moment they realized they could do it in other IT fields like AI.

    Even if Microsoft doesn’t look at your data because it is encrypted and only the AI can look at it, the AI is still training on it. I haven’t seen anything about Microsoft keeping their paws out of your locally trained AI which essentially can localize anything they wanted to look into your data for within its neural networks, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s loaded onto the cloud because of “support” and “improvement research”.

  • I’m being far more universal than the obsession this narrow cisgender thread promotes. It was an issue with the pandemic. It is an issue with abortion rights. It is an issue with elections. It is an issue with so many things, that you would have to want to be willfully ignorant to focus on any single one. Your problem is humanity and their obsession to sacrifice people’s safety for their feelings. People who put their feelings over your safety are the ones who should be avoided. No need to bring pandas into it.

  • Bears are just big dogs that can maul and physically abuse you without really being aware of it, and they might even be sorry about it afterwards, but they won’t be able to talk about it. I’m just surprised that a movement would be created that would go to somebody whom is generally considered to suffer from those traits that are negative and say, “y’know, I’d chose the bestial manifestation of those traits over a person”.

    The message is clear, no distinction with a jab of toxicity, great for entertainment and a humor litmus test, but if actually taken or said seriously, it might say as much about the speaker as it says about its intended audience.

  • I wear Crocs because they are functional, for any other reason they’ve long since fallen out of fashion. Combines good insulation with good air flow and they are extremely durable. If being ugly makes me an idiot for wearing them, then I am a complete idiot who deserves his electrolyte laden future.

  • As someone whose situation in life has flipped (not ever really that rich, just had family that was worse off) and has suffered it, I can confirm that:

    “They don’t want to be taken advantage of or to feel like, ‘I have money and that’s why people hang out with me,’” Bradley says. “It feels very invalidating.”

    Because it is true. The more money you have in a situation attracts the sort of people who just want the benefits of it, and if you are generous like my parents were, those sort of people will be the ones who will have no problem becoming stingy and refuse to help them out afterwards without a dollar sign. They’ve been trained to live off of you and they will still continue to expect to do so even as so far as to believe you are lying while they become the stingiest.

    What this article gets wrong is that it isn’t because they value money transactions more, it’s that they attract the sort of people who only value them for it. Plus, it also skews your own development as a person because if they come the norm in your surrounding, it fosters an environment of making you a mark.

    They do not have the same life experience as you, and you may very well be part of the problem is paying your fair share when you are with someone you consider wealthy (even when they tell you they are no longer doing that good or simply seems more bothered by it) offends you.