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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • While I believe that police reform deeply needs to happen, the need to insure police departments will never go away. It could be due to something so unfortunate as mechanical failure leading to an injury or death.

    Ether way I feel like it’s unfair for the public to always pay because the police or any other public department fails and there isn’t a direct recourse/motivation to fix it. The general public loses in every step of the current process. We had the bad employees, we’ve been harmed by their tactics, we pay the legal bills for defending them, we pay the settlement cost, most the time those employees are still there to repeat the issues, and now the budge is potentially reduced making it harder to fix things. This feels fundamentally broken.

    To be fair I don’t view that as just a police issue, but any public servant job that can lead to the city/school/gov being sued for millions. I know of a small town that got sued for police issues, paid, and to make up the deficit hired more cops with the intent to make the town a speed trap, to raise money. No one won.

  • I feel like you have a poor understanding of a lot that you talk about. So let’s just focus on the current politics and if America can heal.

    This issue isn’t a east coast vs west coast thing. This is a rural vs urban issue. That’s reflected in voting in major cities vs rural areas of the same states. For that America isn’t the only place suffering from this issue. It’s why you can see fascism in general on the rise in a lot of countries. The same reason it has always worked, really. It makes life easier to blame someone/anyone else for issues. Which is the lifeblood of fascism.

    It’s not that young people are leaving rural areas because they feel like there’s limited opportunity, but it’s the liberals corrupting them. It’s not that their industry is dying, but people in the cities are attacking them. It’s not that pay is poor and the work is hard so people will look for other jobs, it’s migrants/lazy workers/greedy people wanting more.

    Fascism is able to latch onto these and say we’ll punish the X so that your issues go away, and once they’re gone life will be perfect. Oh X wasn’t the issue, well it’s really Y, and so on. All that’s ever needed is the correct person to stand up saying elect me and I’ll punish the X,Y,Z and it’ll make us better again, but always tends to ignore/help the real issue.

    We need to increase opportunities in the rural areas, there will still be push back but it’ll help the pain of people leaving and industries dying. Need to raise working standards so immigrants aren’t abused, but also may attract other people. That way it can’t be so easy to blame them. And need to fix where wealth is leaving well nearly everyone. A poor town stays poor if most of the goods and services are imported and the people providing them don’t reinvest into the area.

    All of that is still a simplification, but as I said these issues aren’t local to the US. It’s just consuming mostly US news it’s easy to miss other countries struggling with the same issues.