• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • When my kid started out using the internet, it was over-the-shoulder supervision to start out, then slowly dropping to in-the-room supervision (the PC in the living room), and progressively less over time, with the clearly stated proviso that I would occasionally be glancing over history just to make sure he wasn’t getting caught up in anything horrible, but that I wouldn’t be going into any kind of detail. At 13, he got his own PC in his room, and I left him to it.

    I’m a very firm believer that you don’t attempt technical solutions to administrative problems. Privacy is important and monitoring is shit. You equip your kid with the tools and the supervised-experience to make good decisions, and once they can balance by themselves you let go of the bike.

    Teach them to do dangerous things safely, that’s parenting in a nutshell.

    (actually to clear up a misconception: to teach a kid to ride a bike, you hold the shoulders, not the bicycle. With the extra feedback they can actually compensate and learn to balance; if you hold the bike itself it just weirdly fights them and their cerebellum never gets it)

  • That’s not the question.

    The question should be what choice does Harris have, except to stop Israel?

    If (as I strongly agree) trump is the worst human on the planet who will cause irreparable damage to :gestures wildly: fucking everything, then why doesn’t his opponent have the responsibility to do whatever the hell it takes, within the law to keep him out of power?

    Especially as in this instance his opponent is currently sworn to be responsible for the ongoing welfare of the nation.

    Imagine being so fucking intent on enabling genocide half a planet away that you’d rather let your own country fall into the hands of Camacho Harkonnen rather than attract progressive voters.

  • Most useful thing was actually a $2 key wallet. Stupid, but it was actually really hard to find the most basic keyring-with-wrap that wasn’t trying to be a card wallet or have fancy dangly bits or whatever. Just an oblong of fake leather, two studs and a split ring, so my keys don’t chew holes in my pocket.

  • There’s no outer edge of a gravity well. It just tapers off, infinitely.

    Imagine a big frozen lake, with a post stuck up from the centre, and a rope tied to it. You’ve got big wet-iceblock boots on, but you have have hold of the rope.

    If you’re just standing still, then reaching the post is stupid-easy, you just haul on it, and you slide right on in.

    But now imagine you’re not just standing there, you’re whizzing hell for leather round the edge of the lake at 50 MPH.

    You haul on that rope with all your might, it doesn’t get you into the middle; all it does is stop you flying out into the weeds.

    You simply can’t get there from here, your turning circle is too damn big.

    That’s orbit. That’s how it works. If you’re going past a thing fast enough, you can’t turn hard enough to hit it.