Because it’s a special type of cognitive dissonance to be a POC and run for the side of racism.
Just like Republicans gays who act shocked that the party of homophobia is homophobic. It’s relevant because it just shows how full of shit he is
Because it’s a special type of cognitive dissonance to be a POC and run for the side of racism.
Just like Republicans gays who act shocked that the party of homophobia is homophobic. It’s relevant because it just shows how full of shit he is
He’s a terrible person and when he dies may he rot in piss.
I’d care about him going senile if him being sane wasn’t as detrimental as it was.
Empathy is a good thing but let’s save it for the people who actually deserve it and not old ass racist pieces of shit like him
I love when people try to pull the empathy card.
There are people on this planet who do not deserve empathy nor the benefit of the doubt. Corrupt politicians are some of those people.
The difference is the employer has inherent power by being a money providing service as well as providing whatever other service/product they provide.
When you employ that many people the power naturally rises to the top. That’s why we need legislature to prevent that massive gap in power. Of course no one at the top will support this but the needs of the many outweigh the few regardless of how much money they have.
Remember corporate bailouts? “wE bAiLeD tHeM oUt BeCaUsE tHeY pRoViDe JoBs!!!”
Then there were mass layoffs.
It’s the one part of Idiocracy we’re actually performing.
Elections are no longer about who’s the best for the job. It’s now a popularity contest. Intelligence and capability mean nothing anymore.
And honestly I partially blame Obama for being to relaxed with the memes. Yeah it was funny af but it opened the gates to what we have now.
It’s like how satire can quickly become real. So… Thanks Obama…
It’s the same in my state but unemployment is only a fraction of what you made hourly
That’s why I brought up a restructuring. The ability to quit whenever should always be an option but being fired without notice for anything that isn’t just gross incompetence/negligence should not. I should be able to quit because my manager pissed me off. I shouldn’t get fired because I pissed the manager off.
I hope someone scrapes the plaque out of your grumpy ass brain
Yeah I knew it wasn’t the right wording I just couldn’t remember exactly what it was called.
But that’s exactly what I was bringing up. I’m supposed to work a 2 week notice but they can fire me instantly because I didn’t smile at the manager when walking into work.
We need to abolish right to work laws. Or at least restructure them. I shouldn’t be able to be fired for literally any reason they can come up with. Even fast food jobs should have contracts with certain clauses to protect the workers. You sign it when you start and you can’t be let go until it expires or you break it.
I too actively engage in politics when said politics is about basic human rights
How does more people feeling left behind lead to conservatism though? This is a genuine question.
See this is my biggest gripe on people complaining about Trump.
During brexit my feed was full of Boris memes and news. It was really fucking weird watching two different countries get fucked by a fat old man with fake blonde hair
Extreme incompetence is news worthy.
On a funny note I’d make all fast food react like Chipotle.
On a serious note it would be the chipotle from South Park where you’d be shitting blood.
ITT Europeans once again acting like American politics don’t affect them in any way.
Anyone else think it’s funny that Britain got Boris around the same time America got trump?
Not like it’ll do them any good. In fact it might make more people defect after seeing they were lied to about the rest of the world.
Everyone who eats at fast food restaurants gets diarrhea for 3 days
I’m torn on it honestly.
On one hand I don’t want innocent people killed by it but on the other I believe certain people don’t deserve to keep living after their crimes.
But I’ll never understand how “humane” just means “doesn’t leave a mess”
If it’s faster and cheaper it should be implemented.
I’m my experience it’ll just hang up
That’s why we call it “late stage” capitalism.