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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I had an old laptop do this some years ago and it was because the graphics card was broken. I had dual graphic card and found a way to disable the broken one in bios (dedicated one, could continue on intel graphics) but the computer was too old to reliably use much longer and it died even more a few months later.

  • My best advice is to NOT think of it as addons. If you want grafana or node red for example, just install them in seperate in a container not considering anything else about HA. Then just use them normally. You can still use the integrations for grafana and node red. Integrations work perfectly fine on HA in a Docker container.

    Remember, very important: INTEGRATIONS ARE NOT ADDONS they are two very different things.

  • Hmm I should maybe have added that I only ever touched docker cli tools and have never used a front end of any kind. I do know that they exists, but I like having my fingers in the mechanical room so to speak so it gave me a quite steep learning curve writing my own docker compose files from scratch and learning the syntax, environment variables and volumes working manually. I still to this day only use cli version of Docker because its the only thing I ever learned.

  • Came here to write exactly this. It’s a steep learning curve but well worthwhile. Although I’d specify and say: learn docker compose.

    Edit: what I ment was learn docker cli tools (command line tools) and use Docker compose that way. It gives you a much better understanding of how Docker actually works behind the scene while still keeping it high level