Stoneykins [any]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023

  • Stoneykins [any]tomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    3 months ago

    It never reffered to a gate, that didn’t exist at the same time. But camels do supposedly fit through said gate, if they get on their knees.

    Of course all bullshit to help rich people feel like being wealthy wasn’t a sin if they were “humble” about it.

  • Stoneykins [any]$45 for a cup?!
    66 months ago

    This is a guess but I would assume the bottling process in water bottling plants, and the manufacture of the disposable water bottles, contributes to the amount of microplastics more than passive decay of plastic. Really my main points/beliefs are:

    1. We should be careful making claims based on scientific studies to make sure they are accurate to the study, especially when it comes to claims about how a solution for a problem may be reached. A slight misunderstandings can cause good motivations to make things worse (like people collectively throwing away all their reusable water bottles and buying NEW water bottles made with metal, effectively turning millions of usable waterbottles into trash and creating demand for more polluting industry).

    2. Plastic pollution, microplastics, and everything related, is an overproduction industry problem, not an individual responsibility problem. While a concern for ones own health is individual, it’s also almost impossible to meaningfully avoid microplastics with the current situation. The responsibility doesn’t rest on the shoulder of consumers to collectively make good choices, but on governments to regulate and for owners of industry to be held accountable for the damage they have caused.

  • Stoneykins [any]$45 for a cup?!
    126 months ago

    That is for bottled sold water, not from water bottles that you refill.

    I’m sure using plastic anywhere in any form contributes to microplastics absorbed into ones body, but there is probably a difference? It’s just important to be specific what a study says and not accidentally make assumptions.

    Also though, I’m gunna keep using my refillable plastic bottle. Trying to manage intake of microplastics based on how much plastic I interact with seems tedious to the point of being impossible. Plastics are the kind of thing that need regulated. And while I might spare myself some microplastics hypothetically, it’s not like the water bottle won’t break down into microplastics in the dump if I replaced it with a metal bottle.

  • Lmao you don’t really even know what you are talking about.

    “Free speech” means the government itself cannot infringe your speech. It doesn’t mean SHIT to anyone who isn’t the government. “The court of public opinion” is not a literal court! And it is a group expression of the free speech you love!

    You are just bitching about people being deplatformed off of privately owned websites (which isn’t what happened to this asshole because he is on fuckin netflix) and you want to be dramatic and make it seem like they are all victims and need to be protected based on your misunderstanding of law

  • I mean if you want to know how it would effect me it wouldn’t. Posts from beehaw don’t even come up, flooded out by more active communities, unless I go directly to the beehaw comms. I functionally use it as a seperate website anyways now, if I ever feel like checking it.

    I don’t really understand your overall goal talk tho. You want to be nice in an intentionally vague way, but you feel like federation is somehow limiting you from achieving this vague state of niceness… Is it just moderation difficulties (not to downplay them) or is something else about leaving the fediverse door open problematic to being nice?

    To be blunt the solution to your problems seems to me the same as every single other time beehaw federation is talked about: the community you want to achieve will require many more moderators than a typical community of equivalent size, they will need specialized mod tools, they will need to be high quality skilled highly vetted mods, and you will need exponentially more of them the more users appear on beehaw. Federation doesn’t directly stop you from doing any of that, but it does lead to faster growth, which leads to too much work if you aren’t constantly adding moderators to match growth.

    You should be asking yourself how big you want beehaw to be, and how big of a beehaw you think can be achieved at all.

    Sorry I didn’t mean to be this rambly when I started writing ignore it if you want