And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • And if you had not voted, how would we be seeing different right now?

    Do you really think a 3rd party would have won? Do you think Trump would have made any better decisions for anyone besides is rich donors? Would there be more or less genocide happening?

    I know we will actually never know. We do know how to try and hypothesize though.

    Until we make a change in our electoral system there is always going to be this Turd Sandwich vs. Douchebag problem. If Trump wins the next election there will be 0 chance of change or reform for the betterment of the people. Without Trump there is a slightly greater than 0.

    You will probably not actually stop to consider any of these things, I and the other fine folks have mentioned, while setting your bias aside and evaluating your position. But maybe, someone else reading through the threads here Will stop and think about some of the things being brought up here.

    Even with the insane ease of communication we have now with the internet, we cannot as a country of human people, set aside our biases and figure out how to coordinate to any degree to show a mass/collective message.

    I have said for decades, if we all just say “Fuck This” and vote for 3rd parties instead of the 2 picked for us it would send a message to those parties about what we actually want AND show us the power our vote really has when apply ourselves. We would need people to actually register to vote and then Vote! The amount of the population that does is fucking laughable though, so I guess they feel it’s fine, and that’s their vote too.

    Obligitory 🎶🎵Freewill lyrics🎶🎵 ~Rush

  • Thankfully never, not sure how I would have recovered from that one! Did catch it pretending it was on fire a few times. It was alerting the local FD our alarms were triggered when on site, it was quiet an no burning was going on. They called a couple different times about it and even showed up once… in case I was lying? Bet safe than sorry I guess.

  • And if I just whip a gun out and shoot everyone who espouses this shit, it won’t take very long for me to be shot or jailed myself. And, now it is proof to them that the other side IS out to get them and their fairy in the sky. Changes nothing for the better in the political hellscape but, does ruin my families lives. I do not want violence to be the answer. But, if it has to be, unless there is a tight movement against these holy dingbats, it’s just a useless sacrifice to jump and go ballistic on them. As much shit as I’ve seen on here with extreme left saying the only answer is violence back, I have not seen anyone working towards that in the real world. What, everyone is waiting for someone else to get started? Or, we really are not has homicidal as they are and prefer to logically come to a conclusion?

  • Haha! Yes, i learned there are very few cities/towns (my Enon was a Village) that have an original name in the US. If they do they were named after a prominent person that grew the area. Most spawn from somewhere overseas, especially the “New” named ones lol. Then as we migrated we just had no originality for naming. Not gotten far enough down that rabbit hole to know why. I imagine religion, like Enon.

  • SpottoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldso fluffy
    75 months ago

    Owning a beater was soo much easier though! And, as I started driving there I’m thankful, 'cause I had a beater. I remember it was a huge deal when we moved to Ohio because we would have to actually have the state inspect our families cars for the first time since purchase.