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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Aging boomers are costing the healthcare system a lot of money. So there’s a need to increase tax revenue to cover the cost. When an immigrant comes to the country they immediately start working and therefore immediately starts paying taxes.

    A lot of it is down to how lopsided the demographics are with an overly high percentage of retired population.

    In economics you can’t solve one problem without creating others. But the problems solved are bigger than the problems created. And housing problems are a temporary problem. As boomers start dying off, the situation will correct itself, housing will be freed up and healthcare costs will decrease.

  • I’m not the guy you replied to, but MS fonts are kinda free to download. Not free enough they can just put them into a package but there’s a defined method for downloading them. Most distros have a package that will automatically do this. On Debian it’s ttf-mscorefonts-installer which will download the fonts and install them when it gets to the configuration part of the package install. You can probably search for a similar package for your distro.

  • Yeah there were some animal rights people that ran out onto the field at a ballgame I was at. The fine for running onto the field is $5000. There were two of them, so that was $10,000.

    TV broadcasts don’t show people that run out onto the field since they don’t want to encourage it. So the only people that saw their banner were people at the ballpark. Someone shouted “get off the field you hippies” and the whole section laughed.

    They probably should’ve just donated the $10,000 to an animal shelter.

  • It’s just how internet activist groups work. Most people aren’t motivated to improve things for their cause, they’re motivated to prove to others in their group how zealous they are. The more outlandish and untrue the things they say are, the more they prove their loyalty to the cause and the more points they’ll get from others in the group.

    It’s the same pattern of behavior for every internet activist group. Whether it’s a vegan group, a socialist group, a MAGA group, an antivax group, Qanon, whatever. Promoting the cause doesn’t really matter, it’s about promoting yourself to others within the cause. Which is why you see insane lies about every kind of contentious issue. They aren’t trying to convince you, they’re trying to convince the others in the group how dedicated they are to the cause. “I’m willing to lie to help the cause!” gets a lot of points from the people already supporting the cause.

  • I tend to agree. There’s already too many firearms out there (more guns than people) so it won’t be all that effective in the short term.

    But I think it’s more of a thing that will take generations for there to be a change. And yeah it’s pandering for votes, but it’s also about opening up conversation, which is a step in the direction of a cultural change. A cultural shift away from buying guns for paranoid reasons about protection from “those people” back towards guns being used for hobbies like hunting and target shooting won’t be easy to accomplish. But gotta start somewhere.

  • They did try to fix the Yennefer/Ciri relationship in S3.

    But it suffers from the same problem with the other seasons where the writers are too busy trying to be clever to just tell the story. Like they show a party where a bunch of random shit happens then they later show a bunch of flashbacks to explain what the hell happened. You can imagine them all congratulating themselves in the writer’s room on how brilliant they are to come with telling it that way.

    They introduced a new character who’s either a bad actress or poorly directed. Or both. There’s one scene where she’s holding a dead pheasant and I’m not sure if she was posing or waiting for the director to say “cut”. Either way it’s awkward and cringey as hell.

  • Hamas went into villages and murdered everyone they could find. They weren’t targeting military and some civilians being in the wrong place at the wrong time. They planned an attack to murder as many civilians as they could and executed that plan.

    Before that for about a decade and a half they’ve been firing rockets towards population centers. It’s only because Israel spent billions of dollars to protect their civilian population that Hamas hasn’t been able to kill more civilians. And what do Hams spend their money on? Palaces in Qatar and tunnels under Gaza to keep themselves safe while they leave their civilian population at the mercy of an army they claim to be committing genocide.

  • I’m not the one that said what’s happening in Gaza is the worst thing to happen since the Nazis. See the problem with constantly being hyperbolic is that it results in all kinds of horrible implications. The implication of the statement that Gaza is the worst thing to happen in 75 years is that you’re at best ignorant of history, and at worst you’ve dehumanized victims of the many atrocities that have happened in that time period.

    So which is it? The victims of what happened in Ethiopia, what’s happening in China, the victims of the Rwandan genocide, the victims of the Killing Fields of Cambodia, the people of China that starved in the “Great Leap Forward” (this list goes on and on) aren’t people so therefore you don’t need to even consider these events of the over 75 years since the Nazis held power? Or are you simply ignorant of history?

    It’s probably best just to claim ignorance and refrain from hyperbole in the future.

  • Is it a crime to kill a person simply because they’re wearing a different uniform from you?

    That’s what the military does, right? They kill people for wearing a different uniform. What’s the morality around that? Is it more or less moral to lie to someone than it is to kill them?

    We can debate the morality of the existence of militaries all we want. But people in power in places like Russia aren’t having that debate. They will use their capabilities to expand their power in absence of a force to oppose them. We need military capabilities and that we means we need to have people willing to kill people for wearing a different uniform. God forbid they might lie to people sometimes, right? Killing people we’re fine with, but disinformation crosses the line!