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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


    1. Those apps are simple
    2. Those apps target a wide audience, hence have more budget as a result
    3. Those apps are made by large, well oiled (you’d hope at least) companies. You don’t want my honest opinion on most small software development boxes. This industry grew faster than mentors became available for the newbies, so many devs including seniors still don’t know what they are doing.

  • I don’t understand how people can work for sleezebag companies.

    This is part one.

    To this day I refuse to carry debt or even own credit cards tho.

    I think this is part two.

    It’s awesome that you do this, but if you can afford to avoid debt entirely you are probably somewhat priviledged compared to some. A lot of people in the US are working off student debts for degrees that didn’t quite deliver the jobs they were expecting. Or just were dealt a bad hand to begin with.

  • Where I’m from, they know. The news have done a good job of reporting on it, and they see the cost of houses, and whatnot be worse than before. It’s kind of new from the last 5 or so years, before that they didn’t get it. But now it’s pretty obvious so long as they watch the news or pay attention to their kids and grandkid’s lives.

  • Generally, you can replace some comments with variable names or comment names. Which means you must already be in the habbit of extracting methods, setting new variables to use appropriate names, and limit context to reduce the name (Smaller classes and methods means shorter names can be just as expressive, because the context is clearer). It lowers the number of wtfs per minute you get reading code before you even need whole sentences to explain why things are done in a certain way, because the names can be a powerful hint.

    But realistically, you end up needing comments for some things anyways.

  • There’s a whole list of 8 points over what constitute a cult.

    I don’t remember the whole thing, but it was something like : Cults don’t let you leave. If you do leave, your family and friends who are still in the cult will not speak to you. Cults control you in details. They make sure you are tired at the end of the day, too tired to think for yourself. Cults make you dependent financially. Once you are that deep in, leaving means starting over economically.

    There’s more, but it is different from how most people experience mainstream religions (I mean there are pockets here and there that are very cultish, but really the religion as a whole is a different beast that just works differently than an actual cult).