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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Now that we have a six week abortion ban, with abortion on the ballot as a state constitutional amendment, and one for legalized recreational marijuana, there is a very significant chance for Florida to be in play.

    Many people here are very upset with the state of insurance, especially homeowners. The Biden campaign just came out and said they will be targeting Florida to flip it.

    Every vote will count, remember a few thousand votes gave us Rick Scott, we have a chance to remove him as well. There’s a lot at stake this year.

  • Best deal is YT premium family, I have 5 or 6 people on it with no commercials on YT and YT music which is great for our use cases as well. Yes it’s like $25 a month, but everyone that uses it loves it!

    I consume a lot of YT, for “How it’s made” and project shows there really isn’t anything remotely comparable. No ads and FF through sponsored content is awesome.

  • I understand your point, and you are accurate about the majority, my apologies, however; (and I did look this up and couldn't find an answer) how many of the bills passed by the house have been brought to the floor during the 118th congress were only brought forth with enough votes to pass them with GOP only votes? Are there any exceptions? Would they even bring one to the floor? It seems effectually this rule has been taken to an extreme. It appears today, McCarthy finally put on his big boy pants and is proposing a 45 day clean spending bill, but it's just kicking the can down the road again.

    Many of the items put in the majority of bills that could normally pass with bipartisan support are non-starters for Democrats. These insane "anti-woke" (whatever the hell that means), policies and support/proliferation of Russian propaganda resulting in our neglect of Ukraine aid are not in our nations best interest.

    It's amazing to me that under GOP control they will cut taxes, spend like lunatics, blow up the deficit, and then their constituents buy into the "fiscal conservatism" ploy, hook, line and sinker as soon as they are the opposition party. It's baffling to me. No one, especially me, disagrees with the fact that our national deficit is way beyond egregious, but shutting down the government, defaulting on debt, crashing the economy, harming our military service members, and ruining our currency and credit rating is political terrorism.

    No one is willing to take on our defense spending issues, and I'm not talking about supplying our troops, I'm talking about only having one company that provides parts or equipment with no competition, changing absurd prices, and the same goes with much of our investment into equipment development. I cant recall if it's the JSF or the F22, but while they are publicly funded programs the US doesn't even own the patent rights and can't allow for competition for replacement parts etc. It's insane, our defense budget is so out of wack it needs a complete overhaul.

  • I actually agree with him, and I am not an employee of the gaming industry. In the mid 90s N64 carts were freaking $79.99 at one point early on! I realize part of this is because the carts were expensive, but even CD based games were not THAT far behind at $49.99 or $59.99 as I recall. I realize they don't have the same physical distribution costs, but game prices really have not kept up with inflation. Growing up it was a big freaking deal to get a new NES game you damn well better learn to love it, like it or not haha. Now… games are generally much more affordable for the average family, plus if you just wait a bit and don't buy on release (barring Nintendo 1st party titles) they are way cheaper!