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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The mechanism they are describing here is the emergency one (like if a human is trapped against the machine by something metal and is being crushed - you need to kill the magnet NOW). There is a slower, much safer mechanism for deactivating the magnet that should have been used here but that would require the officer admitting he had made a mistake and asking for help.

    Also I just want to point out that the rifle should be considered no longer safe to use unless thoroughly inspected by an expert. In a similar case some years back, the police officer’s sidearm was pulled into the machine. After retrieval it was found that the weapon had been magnetized by the scanner and as a result the firing pin was able to spontaneously release.

  • I’m biased but putting the onus on doctors here completely misses the point in my opinion. Let me just point out that this isn’t a “policy change” - these states have made it illegal to perform these procedures. In at least one state the physician can go to prison.

    In an idealistic worldview we can expect every person to do the morally optimal thing every time without regard to consequences but that simply isn’t realistic. You are basically advocating that physicians should be jumping to break the law and therefore endanger themselves. That just is not a realistic expectation of any person.

    Tl;dr - Physicians are just people and are not the ones that created this situation. They are normal people and expecting them to sacrifice career/freedom to help one patient is beyond what is realistic.

  • Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Overall I agree heavily with what you are saying. I really was hoping for the feeling of whiplash when Biden took office because I expected him to drop like 20 executive orders on day 1 to undo the worst of the worst Trump shit. No reason not to have that shift drafted and ready to go before inauguration. But it didn’t really play out that way.

    I hope hope hope that if they manage to take back the White House and Congress that the democrats have an agenda ready to rock and roll because that otherwise it’s hard to maintain enthusiasm from the public when it seems like not much is happening.

  • TW: I am going discuss some of the specifics of Sandy Hook.

    Just conjecture on my part but it probably was because Sandy Hook was a little unique in that there were twenty victims between the ages of 6 and 7 and the shooter was 20 years old. Many American school shootings involve a teenage or young adult perpetrator targeting victims that are of similar or slightly younger age. I suspect that makes it easier for some sociopaths to dismiss these incidents as potentially retribution for bullying or interpersonal drama.

    This incident was unique in that it was just a grown man murdering little children. There is absolutely no way to blame the victims in any way, shape, or form. There is nothing a 6 year-old could possibly have done to cause this. Not only that but it holds the ignominious distinction as the deadlist shooting at an elementary school.

    So I suspect they targeted this incident in particular because they feared it was going to serve as a powerful catalyst that would sway public opinion in the debate on gun control. By trying to convince people that it was not real they hoped to decrease the impact it might have had.

  • “We need a one size fits all solution!” screams the person who hasn’t discovered yet that people’s needs can be wildly different.

    I agree that the situation with private/religious/home schooling does need reform but to say it should not be allowed at all is a bridge too far.

    I tried to place my gifted child in public schools and they were like “Sorry but they have to go in the grade that matches their age” despite the fact that they had mastered most content from 2nd grade by the time they were 1st grade age. So my options were let my child academically languish for a few years while they didn’t learn a work ethic because they already know everything - or put them in private / home school to keep them growing academically.