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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Nah we want you to start all your fucking about, get any beverage or condiments you might want, wash your hands, and have everyone at the table ready to eat when the food is ready.

    And subsequently, not get any criticism while we’ve finished our meal and you’ve just sat down because you had to go to the garage to get a new bottle of OJ, pee that became a poop, wash your hands, and find the sauce you’ve suddenly decided to dig out from the back of the pantry.

  • Ok. Did a quick read. And I think I mixed my words a little.

    Yes, Active Directory supports TOTP fine.

    But my understanding is rollouts can disable TOTP, and instead force the use of the proprietary scheme requiring the MS Authenticator app (which also supports TOTP) that uses push notifications to the device.

    As is the case with my employer. They didn’t enable TOTP, and I am unable to use the provided MFA QR code with 1Password.

  • I’m old, I have other shit to do, and I don’t have the time. If I’m writing code, I’m doing it because there is a problem that needs a solution. Either solving someone else’s ‘problems’ for $$$, or an actual problem at home.

    If it’s a short term problem like “reorganising some folders” I’m not going to (re)learn another language. I’m going to smash it out in 30mins with whatever will get the job done the quickest, then get back to doing something more important.

    If it’s an ongoing problem, I’m going to solve it in the most sustainable way possible. I might fix the problem now but 100% someone’s going to drop support or change an API in 2 years time and it’ll break. Sure, doing it in Chicken would be fun. But the odds are, I won’t remember half the shit I learned 2 years later. It’ll be unmaintainable. A forever grind of learning, fixing, forgetting.

    So without a commercial driver to actively invest in Lisps, there’s no point. It’s not profitable and It doesn’t solve any problems other tools can. Without the freedom youth brings, I don’t have the time to do it “for fun”.

  • I love lisp. Well, scheme and less so clojure. I don’t know why. Is it macros? Is it the simplicity? Or is it just nostalgia from learning it during a time in my life.

    But I just can’t find a place for it in my life.

    It’s not job material, effectively nobody uses it. It doesn’t solve basic problems with ease like Python does.

    And because of this, anything I do in it is nothing more than a toy. As soon as i put it down, I have no hope of picking it up or maintaining it in 6,12,24 months later.

    A toy I spend 2 weeks in absolute joy, but as soon as life gets in the way it is dead.

  • My brother behaves weird with Linux (fedora 39 silverblue).

    When doing multiple copies of double sided printing, it’ll print [1|2] [1|1] [2|2] [1|1] [2|2] and then repeat until you realise you now have onen copy of what you want and 10 pages of one side, and 10 pages of the other side.

    It’ll also randomly refuse jobs, and then print them 30 minutes later (lmao if you printed multiple copies, gave up and went for a walk)

    My Panasonic I replaced it with was better, but you had to download binary blobs to make it work.

    But, Linux has gotten more and more complicated in the last 20 years I really can’t be fucked working out if it’s the printer, cups, flatpacks, the app that’s printing, or all of the above.

    Now I just email myself a PDF and print from my phone. Fucking stupid but it works.