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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • I am 110% in favor of breaking the two party stranglehold. It’s long overdue. It needs to end yesterday.

    But hot fuck, this is LITERALLY THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME to vote third party. I read here and on Reddit that people are promising to vote third party because Biden hasn’t personally solved the middle east conflict or whatever, but doing that in the presidential election amounts to screaming “fuck yeah I love Trump and everything he stands for”.

    Vote Biden or vote Trump. There is no third choice. Doing literally anything else is a vote for Trump.

  • I’m a moderate. I tend to take a lot of what I read online with a grain of salt (as everyone should, but you know how that goes).

    A few months ago I decided to try X again and see for myself. I thought “what if this is just exaggerated hysterics, and the site really isn’t that bad.”

    No. It’s not exaggerated. It’s not hysterics. X / Twitter really is that bad of a dumpster fire. You can say “I don’t like Nazis” and a billion bots will accuse you of being a woke radical leftist.

    Sold my well-aged account to a scammer, haven’t looked back.

  • This is honestly the best take on the issue I’ve seen so far.

    I am the first person to say we need to break the two-party stranglehold on politics. We need independent candidates in office yesterday. But this election is the abso-fucking-lutely worst time to make a run at that, because that third party vote WILL be a vote for Trump. And if you firmly believe that third party or independent politicians have a place, elect them to your local city council or school board or state legislature. That is where they will make a real, actionable difference.

    A vote against Biden, no matter who for, is a vote for Trump. No amount of TikTok “well ackshually” will change that reality.

  • “Working long hours, being responsive, blending work and life, is not anything to shy away from,” he wrote in the email.

    “Pay your employees overtime for off-schedule work, and allow for flexible scheduling so they can slide their normal working hours around to match real life,” I said in reply.

    I don’t mind putting in the hard work and I do believe there’s room for some amount of fuzziness between work and life. But I only get one life; I can choose another employer. If my employer runs me too hard, I’ll just find another. My employer isn’t going to take time away from my family, friends, or personal pursuits without compensating me. And there are some things I absolutely won’t miss. Datacenter is melting down during my kid’s play? You should have thought about that when you refused to hire additional support.

    Saying I should be happy to put in extra work without expecting to be paid is like saying my employer should be happy to put in extra pay without expecting me to show up.