Mash 'em, boil 'em, stick 'em in a centrifuge

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Attitudes like this honestly piss me off more than conservatives. You didn’t get the options you wanted, so you decided to just give up, take your ball, and go home. Grow the hell up. We don’t quit just because shit looks bleak, we keep on pushing until we can see the sun poking through the clouds, because that is the only way we will ever see it. If we give in to despair now, we will never get there. Even if it seems pointless, or like things aren’t getting better, I can guarantee you it can always, ALWAYS be worse. And THAT is your reason to vote.

    I’m sorry if that reason isn’t as optimistic as you were hoping for, but that’s the reality that we live in. And it will never get better if we just bitch about unfairness and bury our heads in the sand. If we want things to get better, we need to make them better. And that starts with you. Please, be better than this. I know you have it in you.