Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I was moreso referring to the do not wash in the sun, do not use hot water, do not use car washes that use pre-cleaners, and the fact that apperently having tree resin or dead insects on the vehicle is enough to cause corrosion of it.

    I agree the carwash mode sounds logical, I’ve just never heard of it or needed it for any of my vehicles, I just don’t open the doors or windows in the wash.

  • Seconding this, I took the plunge a month or two back myself using proxmox for my home lab. Fair warning if you have never operated anything virtualized outside of using virtualbox or Docker like I was you are in for an ice Plunge so if you do go this route prepare for a shock, it is so nice once everything is up and running properly though and it’s real nice being able to delegate what resource uses what and how much, but getting used to the entire system is a very big jump, and it’s definitely going to be a backup existing Drive migrate data over to a new Drive style migration, it is not a fun project to try to do without having a spare drive to be able to use as a transfer Drive

  • honestly I don’t think there is a better way, like others have said you can use a trash program or you can chmod the git directory before deleting but, I would recommend against the comments saying alias the command, that can lead to even bigger problems if you typo thr alias or mess up in the script. rf can’t break anything unless you say the wrong directory which would be the same with aliases anyway,

    My recommendation out of them all would be using a trash program to move it to the trash that way if you do screw up the location you have a way to restore it otherwise you could make a script to list the files affected using ls and then prompt a yes/no prompt using read before doing the rm script, but that’s something you definitely want to test in a sandbox or user restricted environment if you’re not used to scripting in case something breaks

  • I’ve been the same way with my switch, I haven’t touched it for probably a year and a half outside of a short bit when tears of the Kingdom launched where I replayed some of breath of the wild and a small portion of Animal Crossing, I agree

    They had been falling for at least 4 years now, I had already strayed from doing anything on the switch from lack of appeal, but their crackdown on dmca with the yuzu Community was the final straw for me, I didn’t even use the emulator myself but I’ve always heavily embraced emulation and the ability to Tinker with stuff that you purchase and that just didn’t sit right with me.

    It was also around that time that I actually read into what happened with Gary Bowser, and that made me sick to my stomach, because it was essentially the equivalent of Prosecuting a cashier for the crimes that the CEO did.

    Honestly even if they were still prospering I wouldn’t recommend the products, it’s hard enough to recommend their product to customers in the first place due the platform restrictions and the fact that they just keep regurgitating the three same IP over and over again, and that’s without the active hostilities towards their fanbase

  • PikatoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHidden by default
    15 days ago

    Why even bother with bots? Since the like list will no longer be public they can just literally code it to artificially inflate the system to boost propaganda in the way that they want to make. Or you were able to see who was liking it so you could verify those an actual person behind it, now you can’t.

    With this new system there’s nothing stopping a comment from being sent to the Moon likewise with only one person actually liking it ex. Musks social posts can have 80,000 likes where as only 10,000 actually liked it.

    Who needs to spend money on engagement on the platform when you can fake the engagement and get the same results because members will be like oh there’s a lot of people interacting with this and will interact with it as well when in reality there isn’t actually much interaction with it

  • PikatoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHidden by default
    15 days ago

    The people that they are likely changing this policy for are high enough up in the social hierarchy that they can’t be arsed to have more than one account, that’s too much work for them and those same people are also likely the ones that are giving them money which means that he has a direct incentive to do this

  • PikatoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHidden by default
    15 days ago

    On the flip side of that coin, being able to see what other people like Embraces interaction because you can look at a like list see who else liked that post and then by doing so you’re interacting with that post as well, where with the new system there’s no longer an incentive to interact with a post unless you find it entertaining. Which I fully agree with I just think it’s going to lower their overall engagement metrics

  • Someone set a timer, how long will it be before they reverse that change. VISA has been very open about not wanting to be involved with anything that is NSFW, and about time Visa reaches out and says yo we’re pulling the plug on your usage of our services it’s going to reverse

  • Adding on to this that if they do decide not to go Windows do not use Debian.

    Don’t get me wrong it’s hella stable if you’re using stuff from like five six years ago, but if you’re trying to do anything remotely new or gaming related I would probably pass and try for one of the ones that are less stable. This is coming from someone who just made this mistake, steam will install but proton will not because the dependencies that proton relies on don’t exist in any of debian’s default sources, of course the launcher won’t actually tell you this unless you try to launch it from command line. On top of this if you’re planning on using games that originated on a windows partition, proton isn’t able to use those partitions unless you force yourself the owner by using uid and gid in fstab for the partitions, but it won’t tell you that either it will just fail to launch.

    I’m at the point where I think I’m just going to Nuke my Debian install and just go with another system because man has it fought me every step of the way in this process

  • Roblox in particular has been super hostile to the Linux community, they’ve two or three times now intentionally changed their application to make it so it won’t run under wine. If Roblox is something that is a hard requirement for him, I would highly recommend against any of the non-windows derivatives. The lead development team on Roblox seems to have the ideology that anything that isn’t Windows is a hacker platform and therefore they attempt to remove access from those platforms wherever possible. I don’t personally agree with it but, it is what it is.

    I also wish people would stop blindly recommending Unix platforms as a drop-in replacement for gaming on Windows. I have yet to see anyone who has been able to just install any of the flavors and have it “just work”. I fully agree that we are ages better in terms of compatibility than it was even 5 years ago, but at 100% should be going into it as a “you will have issues prepare to have to troubleshoot” and if this was his first time using anything not windows, I would have hard recommended against nuking the windows install, at the very least shrink the C partition on Windows which can be done via GParted, which thankfully is already pre-installed on the Linux Mint installation media.

    It’s disappointing that he is looking to go back, but I can fully understand his frustration, as someone who’s recently retaking the plunge after 6 or 7 years of being on windows again, I find myself getting aggravated at times trying to make hack scripts to make things work as well.

    That being said, if he is wanting to go back you shouldn’t force using it, that’s only going to remove the possibility of him switching back in the future(like when MS makes w10 a subscription model either end of this year or the year after which will force w11)