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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • I can give it a look. I doubt it has much where I live unfortunately because I’m not in a major metro area. That was another problem with OSM for me. Very incomplete due to lack of users in the area.

    EDIT: I take it back, it already looks more complete than I would have expected. I’m surprised! This one does look quite a bit better than the other ones I tried so I’ll see what I think. Appreciate the suggestion.

  • Those all seem like good ones to me, too. Honestly the defensive juggernaut thing doesn’t really exist period in GW2, so I guess it’s by design. At least not compared to other RPGs. Everyone is quite squishy.

    You’ve made me realize that a mesmer fantasy I miss from GW1 is a domination magic mesmer. Something that heavily punishes certain types of gameplay and doesn’t do the illusion thing. Is that what you were getting at with the mesmer part?

    I wonder if they would ever consider adding new specs to only some classes instead of all at once. On one hand people would definitely rage and whine, but I could imagine that making for much better designed specs over time.

  • I haven’t really been back either, and I also miss it in some ways. I think for me I mostly miss the broader user base. Lemmy skews hard into a few interest groups, especially tech-focused ones, and while I have overlap there, I wish there were more types of people on here with less techy interests.

    I tried bluesky for a little bit, but I honestly just bounce off Twitter whenever I try it, and Twitter clones have the same problem I guess. They have such a strong undercurrent of outrage and smugness, and while reddit and Lemmy could be accused of having some of this too, something about it feels much worse to me on microblogging sites.

    I also miss the culture of linking to other subreddits in comments. That was a big way I found new communities on Reddit over the years, either ones I joined or just funny things you can’t believe exist. I think the lack of that on here really hurts the ability for me to find smaller communities. Thanks to federation I’m not even sure how you do it on here. I’m sure it’s more complicated than L/whatever.

    I actually don’t mind Instagram, but only after revancing it. 🙃