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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Luckily, our e2e tests are pretty stable. And unfortunately we are not given the time to write integration tests as you describe. The good thing would be that with these mocks we were then also be able to load test single services instead of the whole product.

    We merge multiple times a day and run only those e2e tests we think are relevant. Of course, this is not optimal and it is not too rare that one of the teams merges a regression, where one team or more talented at that than the others.

    You see, we have issues and we realize we have them. Our management just thinks these are not important enough to spend time on writing integration tests. I think money and developer time are two of the reasons, but the lack of feature documentation, the lack of experts for parts of the codebase (some already left for another employer), and the amount of spaghetti code and infrastructure we have are other important reasons.

  • I think I was 11 or 12 when I started plaxing Tibia (a very early MMORPG). I really enjoyed it. At some point I found out that somebody has leaked the source code. You could host your own Tibia server. You could create new map segments or introduce new quests by Lua scripting. There was a huge community for "Open Tibia", hundreds of servers with thousands of players. First, I got into mapping, then I got into scripting and loved it.

  • Layers are fine, but I did not yet find the right keys to access those layers. I'm not sure whether I want my shift and ctrl be located on my thumb or pinky keys. I would like my layer switch keys to be on the thumb keys, but then I have to put them there along with shift and ctrl with click, hold, and double click allocations. That is too complicated though.

    I'm kind of missing the accessibility of keys on a standard keyboard, but I like the efficiency I can type regular letters on the Piantor.

    I haven't tried home row mods yet.

  • I would argue that Germany is not a socialist country. Politics are targeted at the already wealthy and cooperations.

    I'm not versed enough in politics and history to give detailed examples. I'm just a normal guy. However, I'm currently listening to the Jung & Naiv podcast on Spotify.

    In episode 661 they discuss the development of the housing sector since the 1950s and very little in the 18th century. The important information is that the housing sector grew from being socialist to being a housing market.

    I think they mention that in the 50s there existed a "Kostenmiete" (Cost-rent). That would only be allowed by law to be as high as it needed to be to cover the costs for building the house/flat. The owners were not allowed to make profit exceeding 3.5%. Any profit had to be put into housing again to keep the housing sector growing. Around that time the state was heavily supporting housing unions and other groups (not cooperations) to build housing. The state itself built 500.000 !!! appartments a year. Last year the interview says they built 6 appartments. Six, in case you thought you read a typo.

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At least in the housing market we are not socialist anymore and it becomes worse every year. Education becomes worse every year. The medical sector becomes worse every year. Public transport becomes worse every year. Loans do not keep up with inflation. Everything becomes more expensive.

    Yes, we are better off than many. But are we not just richer slaves with more benefits than others? The interview says that there exist studies that estimate 11 million households to qualify for social housing. In some cities that is 60% of their population. 60% quality for social housing. Are we alright?

  • Yes, I totally agree with what you said.

    They currently try to buy out the digital gaming space of the internet, sell it for cheap and later on up the price. That's what big corporations usually do nowadays. Same with X, Google, Amazon, Netflix, etc. It's a big issues that we as consumers and later on citizens of our planet face.

    However, currently it is a sweet deal for me. And the argument that I'd own the game otherwise doesn't count for me as I would most probably never replay it. So what's the use of owning it if it's just collecting dust in the shelf?

    The argument of whose property the item is is different for me for movies, series, and audiobooks. I'm surprised that this scheme was not yet applied for books / e-books. Or am I wrong?