See, I was about to agree with your comment but then you had to go and fuck it up with your last sentence. What does the color of his skin have to do with him being a jerk?
See, I was about to agree with your comment but then you had to go and fuck it up with your last sentence. What does the color of his skin have to do with him being a jerk?
Have to admit, I haven’t followed the subject since I don’t smoke weed. Tried it a few times, thousands of years ago when I was younger and it was not my thing.
In Germany driving while under the influence is an almost instant MPU. Will they relax the law now, or do it like with alcohol, you need to be over a certain value to have your licensed revoked? No disrespect against people that smoke weed but I don’t want to share a road with people stoned out of their minds.
It’s not about you.
Letting kids transition before they even reach puberty is a great way to potentially ruin their lives forever. Kids are so impressionable and change faster than the wind. They instantly succumb to peer pressure and 99% of the cases have no clue what they want because they are kids. They don’t have a lot of life experience.
I know only one case where I knew that transition would have been normal at any age for him. When we were kids it would have been 100% impossible. Now we are older farts and he still didn’t transition, he doesn’t want and would have regretted the decision if he would have had the possibility to do it as a kid.
Transition as a kid should be nearly impossible and you should be put through an infinite amount of tests and visits to the doctor. Reach an age where you can be considered an adult, go ahead and schedule an appointment and transition away. Do as you please.
Feels like the 4.0 version has been in alpha/beta for years now? I thought they abandoned the idea.
Good luck!
I do the same. I don’t care if there is an algorithm or not, I don’t care if you get 0,00001% more money. The end doesn’t justify the means. I am on a personal vendetta, every time I am on YT and I see a thumbnail like that or one with clickbait text or arrows. It’s instant don’t recommend channel. I don’t care if I am subbed to that channel or not. Stop finding excuses, we need a gram of human decency, stop whoring yourself like that
ios is not really privacy friendly. It’s more the result of an amazing PR campaign. That plus the fact that Apple wasn’t really in the ad game but now it is slowly changing. In reality you are giving your data to Apple. You will say, yeah but Apple is ok, of course they are because they have great marketing. Google doesn’t and Google = privacy nightmare, which is also true.
So happy for him. Maybe he can buy some empty bottles for his employees.
The tutorial was shit but I played the beta for 12ish hours. Had no intention of playing it but it ended up being super fun. Won’t buy it, not worth the 70€ price tag. Got ubi+ for a month, should be enough. It was a pleasant surprise.
Thanks, I changed something else, before you replied and forgot to update my reply to you, but I updated the main thread. Maybe some else will search for this exact problem so they know what to do.
So because I did not want to leave Turbo Boost off, I did some more digging and also realized my CPU was always boosting in Unraid. using “watch grep “cpu MHz” /proc/cpuinfo” it was almost always between 2900Mhz and 3300Mhz. I installed Tips and Tweaks plugin and set Normal CPU Scaling Governor to power saver. The sound is gone and now it seems the CPU goes all the way down to 600 MHz and up to 3400MHz depending if it needs it. I don’t know if the power saver will affect performance in any way but so far so good and I don’t have hear that wheeeeee anymore.
I tried to disable c-states and went on a lot of BIOS settings. The sounds is only gone when I turn off Intel Turbo Boost Technology. Then it’s silent but I guess it also kills my performance in Unraid now it shows it at 792 MHz.
Thanks, didn’t know that. That’s what surprised me, if it was power related, I would have thought it’s doing it everytime.
Reading about coil whine if that’s the culprit, it seems a lot of manufacturers don’t RMA them. Just googled a little about the topic and they say some GPU manufacturers accept them. In my case with Asrock, dunno.
I thought about it but wasn’t sure. Maybe it’s coil whine coming from the DC plug. Bought the board end of October so I cannot return it anymore. Any tips on how to improve it? Still it’s strange that it’s only doing it in Unraid. In Opensuse I tried to push the system but there was no sound, it just worked. That’s what throws me off.
The sound is present since the first time I booted Unraid, with only the NVMe, no HDDs and no docker/VMs.
When I first started building the machine, I only had the NVMe in the board, the HDDs came at a later date. The sound was still present.
Tell me you are joking,don’t see the /s