We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Same thing here in Australia. No semiautomatic rifles after Port Arthur, but everyone thinks we banned guns completely (we didn’t, and there are more in the country now than ever in its history.)

    We’ve still got semiautomatic handguns, our AR15’s just became pump action, and our shotguns had little buttons or levers added as bolt releases in order to skirt the law, with new variations popping up every time a ban happens (check out the Templeton T2000 - fires just as quickly as a regular semi-auto 12 gauge and is totally legal to own in the easiest license class to obtain.) Hell, I own five guns myself, two of which are handguns (Glock 19 and Beretta 92X both in 9mm, 10rnd mags.)

    What Australia DOESN’T have is a culture of gun fetishization. How any American thinks these laws will work in their state, let alone the entire country, is just insane to me. I also happen to think that a government disarming people is a really fucking bad idea, and even a growing number of young Aussies are starting to change their views in that area as well.

    So good on ya. Hold onto that AR. I’ll now accept everyone’s inevitable downvotes.

  • Spot on. My wife and I are actually making plans to move overseas. I’m ready to get out of here, but she wants to wait until the next federal election to get a guage on where things will be heading. In the meantime, we’re saving as much money as we possibly can, because Australia isn’t the country it used to be, and it’s clear that we’re both deeply-incompatible with the general culture of apathy, government trust, and rules, rules, rules. It’s suffocating.

  • That’s exactly what TikTok is. It’s just the latest weaponized propaganda machine from the CCP designed to destabilize social harmony in the west and weaken the youngest generations’ trust in western democratic values (specifically to ensure their values and priorities are molded to align more with hypercorporatized capitalism x mass governmental surveillance and control.) Basically, “don’t question any narratives, shut down any dissenting opinions, it’s okay to hand over all your private information, and also - spend, spend, spend, peasants.” We’re seeing this taking place all across the west today, and it began around the time of the Occupy Wallstreet movement, and Gen Z in particular are EXTREMELY susceptible to this propaganda.

    TikTok wasn’t the first tool to be used against us, but it’s certainly been the most effective, and I’m not sure the youngest among us can reverse the damage already done to their minds. I’m extremely worried about the future of all free democratic nations, given that in a very short number of years, these kids are going to have political influence via their votes. We’re sliding fast into a neofeudalistic world, and it isn’t going to be a superficially-fun dystopia. It’ll just suck massive cock.

  • It's very telling when the only criticism you really see leveled against Brave is that same article everybody posts as some kind of trap card, despite the fact it can be boiled down to "don't use Brave because the CEO is a bigot or something, and you have to opt out of their crypto stuff." Cool. I don't care about those things, I care about the browser's ability to do what I need it to, and Brave does. Are you putting your trust in a company that could be selling your data? Sure, that's always a risk, but until it's been confirmed, I'm happy to stick with it. I mean shit, it even beats out GrapheneOS's Vanadium in the fingerprinting test, and that's the browser I use on my phone.

    imo, the hate against Brave is unfounded and seems to be coming from the anti-Chromium crowd. There are valid arguments to be made against it, but I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck what their CEO believes as long as the product works as advertised, and Brave consistently scores highly in privacy and security tests.

  • Fascism, authoritarianism, totalitarian dystopian thinking, it's all the same to me when it comes to the State overstepping and blatantly looking to pass laws that remove the right to privacy and autonomy from citizens. I'm no leftist ideologue, I skew libertarian right (although I couldn't describe all the nuance of my views within the context of a simple label), but if there's one thing we have in common, it's our hatred of government overreach and corporate control of the masses.

    Fuck authoritarianism. Fuck collectivist bullshit. Never stand for the trampling of your rights.