• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Like others, being on Lemmy dragged me away from the constant stream of endless gratification. I still check it a few times a day, at most, but much less than Reddit.

    What Reddit still has over Lemmy is a huge database of answers. While many people have left Reddit or moved on, their comments stayed, and that includes many searchable and genuine answers.

    It also has more communities. Game devs still use Reddit to host a lite web page (subreddit) for example. While the fediverse has many communities, alot of them are duplicates. Every instance has their own Memes community for example, which pollutes the feed sometimes.

    In the last year, I’ve made less than 5 posts on Reddit, mostly asking questions. I don’t browse it, I just end up on it from search results.

    I wish the fediverse agreed on unique communities. It’s cool that I can communicate with several different websites, but imagine if there was 5 reddit.com’s and they all made their own memes subreddits. Either you have to subscribe to all of them and get duplicate memes, or you sub to one and miss out of 4x more.

    Because those 5 reddits are all divided, so is the potential user base. I’m not saying we should go back to a single website, but rather that each website in the fediverse hosts one major community.

    Alternatively, have an instance that merges all the other instances’ communities so that all the meme communities appear as one, and all duplicates are filtered out.

  • Like you’re saying, it’s not that we’re labeling ourselves, but that we’re spreading awareness on multiple levels: LGBTQIA+ folks are sprinkled in our population. If someone goes their life without knowing any, or seeing any, they might feel alone and outcast.

    I’m an Asexual male and I represent in my day to day with just a themed baseball hat.

  • That’s a good question. I believe if a mental, physical, or psychological trait hinders your QOL or impedes your ability to perform basic tasks, it qualifies as a disorder or dysfunction.

    I think everyone has traits that make them lean towards dysfunction, but they are manageable, tolerable, or not seen as abnormal.

    Most Deaf people don’t see their deafness as a handicap or dysfunction. While some hearing folks might think “they’re missing out on so much” it can’t be further from the truth.

    This was the first time I saw Asexuality mentioned on a major community, so I was happy to see the spread of awareness, then the first comment was along the lines of “it’s probably a mental disorder”. To me, that sounds anti-LGBT.