We do somewhere between 72 and 76. But at night in the peak of summer we’ll bump it down to 70. Our bedroom is on the top floor and can often be several degrees hotter than the lower floor where the thermostat is, so for a few weeks in the summer we have to really crank it.
I’m told we should look into a vent fan to help distribute the air better but I haven’t taken the time to put in the effort yet, I’m sad to say
From the perspective of someone who uses Visual Studio Code, but also knows how to exit
, there are a couple reasons that most developers who prefer one of the three, at least those I've spoken to.vim
keybindings" specifically for this reason. You'll find that it's a very popular method of working.Really it comes down to personal preferences and what you "grew up" using. It's really hard to transition into something like
and it takes a concerted effort to switch by most users. You have to want to switch, otherwise you'll find it too difficult a learning curve or find yourself wandering back to more "featured" applications.There are likely more reasons out there, but these are, in my experience, the primary reasons.