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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024


  • Keep coping but you are incredibly small minority and any sane person just laughs at you so you hide in some niche web communities like hexbear and yet you are still defederated from en masse

    There’s a sign there ‚hidden’ to reevaluate your life. If there’s smell everywhere you go…

    Have you ever considered that maybe… you are wrong? That maybe your idols Marx and Lenin weren’t such visionary geniuses?

  • I hear you, well that’s just plain depressing, hope it changes at some point. Sometimes it has to get worse to get better.

    When the illusion of a successful country dissipates that’s when the real changes can be introduced.

    Unrestrained capitalism will never solve your country mounting problems that one I am sure. At some point the problems will become too severe to brainwash even the most easily influenced voters. As long as they have it good or ok, they can be recruited but there’s a limit and populism is inherently short-sighted and thus short-lived. It’s akin to burst of anger out of denial that can’t survive long in it’s powerful but unstable state of constant crisis. Trump is a harbringer of change and a proof that we hate changes but there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them and those trumps and such only accelerate the inevitable societal progress. I wouldn’t say let him rule because this would be unfair to many people but it will eventually pass and will be a building block for the better tomorrow.

    There’s no power in the world that could bring back catholic medieval society at this point.

  • People are literally defenceless vs propaganda. Me too. It takes extraordinary effort to decipher the fake from true and whether the true is a full truth or some small piece on silver platter.

    At this point I gave up and I just try to find out motives of every… player and align myself with these that best serve my interests.

    I don’t read much news because it’s all leftist or alt right propaganda drivel and while I align myself with the left because it serves my interests the best I won’t waste my time listening to their whatever narrative they crafted last week…

    Just observe their actions and try to find out the motives and then ask if their motives align with yours. Their words or narrative are worthless drivel at this point, mostly.

    Alt right drivel however is especially toxic and insulting but that is specifically done to evoke emotions. Anti gay propaganda crafted by closeted bisexual priests that want a piece from the table. It’s a bit like these email scammers who filter out less naive by making lots of grammar errors on purpose. You are supposed to be enraged either way.

  • If we killed hitler we would have more competent nazi and possibly still third reich over here but no Poland and I am selfish I wanna exist ya know

    Best person would be trump as it is recent enough to not suddenly cease to exist due to various butterfly effects, still pretty risky though. All of people that died by accidents between trump election and today would be from different, new set. You can calculate probability even based on average yearly accidents.

    God I shudder to think what if u killed Julius Caesar. We would be like unrecognisable due to all branching out possibilities over the years. Real quantum parallel worlds shit